3g in the palm of my hand

So finally I got my 3g mobile phone yesterday. Its from three and I picked the NEC e808 which has 2 full motion cameras, 64meg and a full qwerty keyboard. Hence why its quite big, everyone yesterday said Its too big, its far too big. But come on guys its got a full keyboard and its the first set of 3g phones, what do you expect? More information to come, specially if i can get mobblogging working with it.

By the way this was posted via Chronicle Lite, a java application which works on all platforms which blogs via xmlrpc perfectly. Now if I only get textism working inside of it.

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Author: Ianforrester

Senior firestarter at BBC R&D, emergent technology expert and serial social geek event organiser. Can be found at cubicgarden@mas.to, cubicgarden@twit.social and cubicgarden@blacktwitter.io