Public Service Internet monthly newsletter (Jan 2025)

The image is a very detailed, black-and-white sketch-like illustration featuring a complex scene of interconnected figures and technology. The artwork portrays various individuals in different environments to represent the relationship between technology and humans. In the foreground, multiple people are surrounded by computer screens filled with data visualisations, charts, and technical information. A woman seated in an armchair appears deep in thought, surrounded by data-filled monitors. Beside her, a man leans over, using a tablet to assist with their inspection of a plant or tree. In the centre, a figure holds a large frame or screen displaying anatomical illustrations, representing the use of AI to analyse medical imagery. To the left, another person is intently observing a computer screen, while a second figure nearby is deeply immersed in analysing data. A woman dominates the right side of the composition, gazing upwards as if in contemplation or envisioning something beyond the immediate scene. The background features more people, including a family holding hands, and other abstract representations of data.
Ariyana Ahmad & The Bigger Picture / Better Images of AI / AI is Everywhere / CC-BY 4.0


We live in incredible times with such possibilities that is clear. Although its easily dismissed while hearing about the Character.AI courtcase, seeing the Tesla’s crash footage and choose your phrase now before its too late?

To quote Buckminster Fuller “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

You are seeing aspects of this with people turning away from online dating, W3C weighting into the  ethical web principles and could cotton and squid bones soak up our out of control microplastics problem?

Ian thinks: These are my big over arching themes for 2025. There is a lot of resources I could point to but this interview about AI via Tech won’t save us, is a good example of what and why? If you are not thinking and acting on these themes in this year, you need to stop and think why.

Meet the global underclass of digital workers who speak out about AI training

Ian thinks: Mozilla spent a lot of effort raising the voices of the global south works or as the video says global underclass of digital workers, however it is good to see the German broadcaster also covering this important issue. As it never gets enough attention in the AI hype bubble.

Charlie Brooker, Black mirror and the state of Technology

Ian thinks: This interview recorded with Charlie Brooker, is full of nuggets of provocative statements around not only Black Mirror but also his wider thoughts on media and technology (especially around AI). Although filmed a while ago its worth watching ahead of the new season of Black Mirror.

What happens when you swipe smartphones away form teenagers?

Ian thinks: Although this experiment is anything but scientific, its is good to see the reactions and discussion of not just the teenagers but also the parents which took part. Perfectly timed following the Australian social media ban for under 13’s. Also seems to be available on youtube in full.

Is giving aid directly the best way to change poverty?

Ian thinks: I was heavily sceptical of this just by the title. However after watching and going through some of the research was convinced. It goes against so much of what we have been told/seen but in the right environment putting money into people’s hands is far more effective.

Thumbs up to surveillance in the UK?

Ian thinks: Recently news stories about the UK government warming to facial surveillance and recognition is concerning. This news story is a clear reminder the abuse of these systems needs to be taken very seriously when putting any kind of support such systems. If it’s not transparent and audit-able then it’s not in the public interest.

The weaponisation of data and the importance of activists

Ian thinks: Although seen as an annoyance by the mainstream, activist are important to make sense, shine the light of accountable and ultimately change perspective on a rapidly changing world. From Bellingcat to ProPublica from the Open Rights Group to Big Brother watch; OSINT (open-source intelligence) runs through their foundations. Something we all could learn and benefit from.

If you have nothing to hide?

Ian thinks: This video runs through a lot of the nonsense myself and others have said about privacy. Everything from privacy is dead to if you have nothing to hide. I have heard it all over time and the key points of privacy is about anatomy and rights.

Limitarianism, socialism, communism?

Ian thinks: I recently started reading the book by Limitarianism after reading about it, expecting similar arguments in the inequality circles. However Robeyns goes one further with tighter examples & arguments based on many studies. Could this be the next spirit or inner level?

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Plotting and harvesting Chia cryptocurrancy for a more green crypto future?

My Chia farming setup

I have admit over the last 2 months I setup a cryptocurrancy rig in my flat. Now when most people think about cryptocurrancy they think of bitcoin and the absolute insane amount of power going into mining bitcoins. This is why when I saw Bram Cohen (creator of BitTorrent) talk about creating something different (proof of space+time) I was always interested. To be fair I since BitTorrent I’ve been watching what he’s been up to, Bram is just one of those serial entrepreneur I keep an eye on.

After hearing about Chia, I downloaded the Linux app and got it up and running on a old laptop I use for bits and bobs. I would have used one of my my Raspberry PIs if I had Ubuntu installed. I plugged in a external USB to SATA SSD which I was using to run my old Dell XPS13 work laptop, when the internal drive got screwed up. Then plugged in a old USB to SATA caddy/docking bay with one of my old 2TB mechanical hard drives from my old server (pre NAS).

My Chia plot

Then left it plotting and harvesting my 1 single plot for a month or so.

At the time, the estimated time to win a Chia was 8 months. As I had the laptop on doing other things all the time, it wasn’t a big deal for me. Actually removing my server and replacing it with the NAS, 2x Raspberry Pis and this laptop  is actually less electricity than my single home made server with 7 drives and 4 fans. I hear most of you say wtf! I do have a lot of devices on in my flat and my electricity is high compared to typical single person but everything else (heating, water, etc) is low.

It was about 4-5 weeks when I was telling someone about Chia and noticed I had harvested 2 chia’s unbeknownst to me. To be clear I have 1 single 100gig plot and although I tried setting up 2 plots afterwards in parallel, I decided it was too much for my old laptop’s little quad core CPU and switched back to a single 100gig plot again (to be clear its more the parallel part which was the problem and CPU is only really used)

Chia CPU and Memory load in Htop

With all this in mind, I was introduced to the Reddit subthread for Chia, where I saw people building massive rigs to plot and harvest. Its quite insane and then hearing how Chia is being blamed for shortages in HDDs and SSDs. Of course why most people are interested in Chia (including myself) is the proof of space & time rather than proof of work. This realistically could be far more sustainable than proof of work models like Bitcoin. I say “could” because seeing these massive rigs seems to throw oil over the notion of Chia’s green attributes.

Although its tempted to add some more plots, I’m not going to change my setup because its sustainable for me. Little has changed on my network or on my physical desk. Getting in early was something very good but I got lucky with 2 Chia already.

Yesterday a friend mentioned Elon had tweeted about Tesla not taking Bitcoin for their electric cars.

I can’t say anything profound about Chia except I’m more than interested because its not just a speculated currency like Bitcoin. Although the price is super surprising for a new cryptocurrency. I said similar about Ethereum because of the smart contracts, NFTs and other things. The currency side is only slightly interesting while things like ChiaLisp for Identity spikes my interest.

Where are all the Electric Maxi-scooters?

What is a maxi-scooter

I do enjoy my Honda Silverwing scooter but I keep thinking its time for a Electric vehicle. Especially seeing how it currently wouldn’t pass the new London ultra low emission zone and frankly its time for more environmental focus.

The problem I see is there are two extremes when it comes to electric motorcycles/scooters.

At one end you have your electric scooters (don’t look up electric scooters, as you get something very different and questions of where to ride them). I remember looking at scooters to hire in Berlin, thinking where the disc breaks and will car drivers actually see you on such a small thing? But at the other end there are electric motorcycles like the new Harley Davison livewire. But theres little in between.

What is needed is maxi-scooters which are electric powered surely? However I have had such a hard time finding them.

The closest I can find is the BMW Cevolution


Patent reform starts with bold pioneers

Tesla Visit 2

You got to hand it to Elon Musk CEO of Tesla motors. He just opened up the patents they had on the electric car for anyone to use.

When I started out with my first company, Zip2, I thought patents were a good thing and worked hard to obtain them. And maybe they were good long ago, but too often these days they serve merely to stifle progress, entrench the positions of giant corporations and enrich those in the legal profession, rather than the actual inventors. After Zip2, when I realized that receiving a patent really just meant that you bought a lottery ticket to a lawsuit, I avoided them whenever possible.

So it sounds pretty interesting so far… Specially the stifle progress part.

Given that annual new vehicle production is approaching 100 million per year and the global fleet is approximately 2 billion cars, it is impossible for Tesla to build electric cars fast enough to address the carbon crisis. By the same token, it means the market is enormous. Our true competition is not the small trickle of non-Tesla electric cars being produced, but rather the enormous flood of gasoline cars pouring out of the world’s factories every day.

We believe that Tesla, other companies making electric cars, and the world would all benefit from a common, rapidly-evolving technology platform.

This is pretty incredible and its amazing to see and hear, bold and  altruistic sound decisions like this from the very top.

Google along while ago talked about Patent reform but then they bought Motorola’s mobile patents and we heard nothing more till very recently.

Maybe one day we’ll see many more bold moves like Tesla’s?