I saw Platypus wiki before but wrote it off because blojsom had a wiki plugin. Actually think Poil sent me the link that time. Then quickly realised that the wiki plugin in Blojsom was only so you could input text like a wiki not an actual wiki as to say. I even considered the wiki app blojsom.com is using, because I've quickly realised there is bit of my site which really need a wiki and there are parts which could do with a blog. For example own writing, my mixes and lectures should all be blogs of somekind. While Streaming, calender and Pictures should be a wiki or some kind of application to do with those areas.
Anyway I'm going to try it out tonight, see what it can and cannot do. Will be interested in interchanging data between blojsom, cocoon and platypus. Cant be too difficult if there using rdf. Something really simple like linking definitions in the blog to the wiki would be a nice start. Already thinking of ways to blend in FOAF too.
The day afterwards…
I quickly realised that Platypus wiki will only work on Tomcat 5.x because its using a yet to be ratified Java servelet 2.4 spec for its web.xml. So I downloaded Tomcat 5 and tried it out on my laptop. It actually works quite well. I only scratched the surface but it seemed to generate tons of standard metadata. Miles asked if there was some way of keeping track of all the pages? Like a index I asked? Well I'm not totally sure but I will find out sometime today or tomorrow. I also need to setup my own wiki, rather than use the example wiki. Overall its looking quite good, not sure how it compares to JSP/Wiki with the RSS plugin though…