The Summer Olympics, people downloading it now

This Wired article Let the web games begin. Working at the world service on Friday I recieved a call from a guy in Denmark quite upset he couldnt hear the BBC world service news online. Anyway I quickly realised from others that we were blanking all programmes which could be classed as breaking copyright with NBC. Now this is only my own view, not of the BBC but I can not believe NBC own the rights to all internet broadcasts from inside the Olympic village, how on earth did some a deal get done without anyone questioning it? So in actual fact – if there was an act of terroism in the olympic village (i really hope there wont be), the bbc realisticly could not use video or audio from the olympics online (my own thoughts not the BBC). Even though its a news story not a sports story. This is something else, i think you'd agree?
Anyhow, we (the bbc) officially replied with this official page on Friday lunchtime.

The whole debate over is it technically possible to restrict Internet broadcasts within specific geographic boundaries? is a difficult one, as the internet is not about geographic boundaries and it makes regional seperation questionable. Proxys are very common just like web scraping…

Moving away from Proxys to Bit torrent just like in the wired article. I've already noticed postings of the Olympic Opening Ceremony in Athens, only problem is its not live. And theres some serious demand for live webcasting! Sure some enterprising person with bandwidth and linux video capturing working will setup a proxy and start the cat and mouse game of blacklists and proxies. *Smile* let the games begin indeed…

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Palmtop readable pdf

I wrote a email to Dan Gillmor the other day, thanking him for his great new book we the media, which I am currently reading. I also wanted to ask Dan if it was ok to distribute his book in a different form – aka tagged pdf. I already noticed the book is under the creative commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence, but i thought it would be good to ask anyway.

Anyway Dan's fine, and is interested in the url, maybe so he can post it up with the other derivative versions, like the audio version which is currently being worked on.
And it looks like I was just in time, Danny already asked for a version to read on his pocketpc. Well here it is for all to read. The free culture ebook is also there to download, if you havent read it yet. Oh and if anyones after more stuff to read on there palmtop, check out my little selection of tagged ebooks. Enjoy…

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ebooks prices like these make you want to steal them

A work friend recommended Neal stephenson to me yesterday evening. The book he was recommending was Cryptonomicon and the Snow crash. Now I was quite willing to buy the ebooks because I highly prefer reading on screen to reading a book. But have you seen the prices! Oh my, check out this one…

Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson costs 8 dollars and you can get some second hand versions for half that. However, if you want the digital acrobat version that will be 10 dollars! Even the microsoft reader which by the way is crap and i hate alot to read from, is 10 dollars. And I'm willing to forget that digital distrubution is cheaper and easier than the book. And I was almost willing to pay the money for the ebook because 10 dollars is about 5 pounds here. But then I read this.

Format: Adobe Reader
File Size: 5776K
Printable: Most publishers do not allow Adobe e-books to be printed.
Mac OS Compatible: This title requires Adobe Reader 6.x, which requires Mac OS 10.2 and above.
Windows Compatible: Yes
Handheld Compatible: Adobe Reader supports transfer of e-books to PalmOS devices, but not to Pocket PC or Symbian devices.

Format not a problem could tag it later too I guess. File size sounds large but its got drm so i guess its got space for that. No printing, who cares not bothered. Requires Acrobat 6? why? But this did it for me! Adobe Reader supports transfer of e-books to PalmOS devices, but not to Pocket PC or Symbian devices. What the hell! So if I bought this ebook I wouldnt beable to transfer it to my ipaq for reading on the train?!
And to make things worsts, the microsoft reader version only works on pocketpcs and tabletpcs, which i do have but why cant i look at it on my windows xp pro machine?!

Its no wonder why people are so pissed off about ebooks. I for one will wait till it hits the newsgroups now, on pure principle. Because this takes the living piss… I'm going to scream!

I'm thinking of buying the audio version which is cheaper and then converting it to text later on for reference. Sometimes I wonder about the world we live in today.

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Two thumbs up from the greenwich mean tribe

eastern standard time book cover

Finished the ebook earlier this week and thought it was a very good read, had some genuine clever and thought-out ideas. Ending was a little rushed for my tastes but pretty much from 2 your hooked and wont stop till you hit the last hour. One of my favourate parts from the book. Ant talks in group therapy about life as he sees it…

“It’s like this,” I said. “It used to be that the way you chose your friends was by finding the most like-minded people you could out of the pool of people who lived near to you. If you were lucky, you lived near a bunch of people you could get along with. This was a lot more likely in the olden days, back before, you know, printing and radio and such. Chances were that you’d grow up so immersed in the local doctrine that you’d never even think to question it. If you were a genius or a psycho, you might come up with a whole new way of thinking, and if you could pull it off, you’d either gather up a bunch of people who liked your new idea or you’d go somewhere else, like America, where you could set up a little colony of people who agreed with you. Most of the time, though, people who didn’t get along with their neighbors just moped around until they died.”

“Fast-forward to the age of email. Slowly but surely, we begin to mediate almost all of our communication over networks. Why walk down the hallway to ask a coworker a question, when you can just send email? You don’t need to interrupt them, and you can keep going on your own projects, and if you forget the answer, you can just open the message again and look at the response. There’re all kinds of ways to interact with our friends over the network: we can play hallucinogenic games, chat, send pictures, code, music, funny articles, metric fuckloads of porn… The interaction is high-quality! Sure, you gain three pounds every year you spend behind the desk instead of walking down the hall to ask your buddy where he wants to go for lunch, but that’s a small price to pay.

“So you’re a fish out of water. You live in Arizona, but you’re sixteen years old and all your neighbors are eighty-five, and you get ten billion channels of media on your desktop. All the good stuff—everything that tickles you—comes out of some clique of hyperurban club-kids in South Philly. They’re making cool art, music, clothes. You read their mailing lists and you can tell that they’re exactly the kind of people who’d really appreciate you for who you are. In the old days, you’d pack your bags and hitchhike across the country and move to your community. But you’re sixteen, and that’s a pretty scary step.

“Why move? These kids live online. At lunch, before school, and all night, they’re comming in, talking trash, sending around photos, chatting. Online, you can be a peer. You can hop into these discussions, play the games, chord with one hand while chatting up some hottie a couple thousand miles away.

“Only you can’t. You can’t, because they chat at seven AM while they’re getting ready for school. They chat at five PM, while they’re working on their homework. Their late nights end at three AM. But those are their local times, not yours. If you get up at seven, they’re already at school, ’cause it’s ten there.

“So you start to f with your sleep schedule. You get up at four AM so you can chat with your friends. You go to bed at nine, ’cause that’s when they go to bed. Used to be that it was stock brokers and journos and factory workers who did that kind of thing, but now it’s anyone who doesn’t fit in. The geniuses and lunatics to whom the local doctrine tastes wrong. They choose their peers based on similarity, not geography, and they keep themselves awake at the same time as them. But you need to make some nod to localness, too—gotta be at work with everyone else, gotta get to the bank when it’s open, gotta buy your groceries. You end up hardly sleeping at all, you end up sneaking naps in the middle of the day, or after dinner, trying to reconcile biological imperatives with cultural ones. Needless to say, that alienates you even further from the folks at home, and drives you more and more into the arms of your online peers of choice.

“So you get the Tribes. People all over the world who are really secret agents for some other time zone, some other way of looking at the world, some other zeitgeist. Unlike other tribes, you can change allegiance by doing nothing more that resetting your alarm clock. Like any tribe, they are primarily loyal to each other, and anyone outside of the tribe is only mostly human. That may sound extreme, but this is what it comes down to.

Oh quick note, Cory put the book out under a Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial 1.0 licence. So unfortually no one can alter the work, which is a shame – as there some parts I would love to mess with…

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Nullsoft streaming video

Maybe i'm out of touch but I've never heard of Nullsoft Steaming Video (NSV). Tell a lie, I did but that was years ago when it was a rumour. Now its a completely working system using the open VP3 video codec and Mpeg3 audio codec. Humm I wonder if vp3 will be good for the copyright vs community lectures.

Interesting piece. Internet TV? Yeah, We Got That. Also found a nice little plugin for tv playback and the forums for NSV. I think later on I will do some more work on NSV.

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Casting away

Spent some time today working out icecast to see if it is possible to do a live stream for my copyright vs community lectures. The first one starts this Thursday. I was worried because it seemed like the icecast server would'nt respond to anything. Then I though about shoutcast, and quickly realised that it needs a client/source. In shoutcast it latchs onto winamp using a plugin. So there must be something like that for icecast? Well I was right…

3rd Party Applications – I'm using Oddcast which does a excellent job right inside winamp. Theres also lots of nice tools for streaming under the tool directory. So it looks like I will setup a internal feed using icecast and mp3 using my laptop as a client and some other bigger machine as the server, if I can get dave or miles to install icecast? Maybe theres a case to install a client on the streaming mac powerbook? Should be ok for a ogg vorbis and mp3 stream for the big stallman lecture in may and just mp3 internal for Thursday.

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The future of music, its digital because its remixable…

Warning this record label pays radio stations to keep independent music off the air -

This ties directly into my digital mixing debate in some way, not worth getting into right now. Anyway, I didnt mention anything about the grey album. Shame on me, my mind was too focused on the EUCD I think. Anyway, if you havent heard about it check it out.

But it brings up the old issues of sampling and fair use but this time its war…
With Jay-Z Construction Set, I douht this will die down too soon. Really interesting post about the whole area and how the industry would benefit from the videogame content creation model. Cant help think this links to companys like SonyEricsson encoraging people to produce content while others prefer you only to recieve. Creative Commons also did a huge feature on it and there are still comments coming in on alternatives viewpoints.

My own view is shared with Yoz. I actually remember using the samples on my ST using the mono mastersound sampler. Not saying it was as impressive though.

UK band The Shamen also did this back in 1991 with their single “Progen 91 (Move Any Mountain)”, the CD of which contained most of the raw samples used in the track, calling it a do-it-yourself remix kit. It's more impressive when you bear in mind that they were a pretty popular band at the time and the song was a top ten hit.

Interesting enough Yoz talks about the remixable form of Cory Doctorow's Down and Out In The Magic Kingdom. Oh had fun reading about Dance dance revolution comps going on in London. Another viewpoint on my digital mixing point of view maybe? Need to write the damm post soon…

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Let the matrix revolutions bashing start

Paulo sent me this during the week, Dave says everyone at college saw it and hated it and others I have met didnt like it. Am I the only one which actually enjoyed it? Anyway I would love to see it again soon as I was so blown away that it was hard to think about the ending. Specially seeing how I watched all the matrix's back to back in the berlin's cinemaxx. Anyway, i'm sure there will be lots of comments or more to add to the post later on when i talk to others or watch it again. So for now….

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Derren Brown Play – Russian Roulette live

Excellent entertainment, nicely done Channel 4.

On 5 October at 9pm, Derren Brown will attempt not to shoot himself in the head,
live on Channel 4.

Filmed in a secret location, one person selected from the thousands who applied will load a real handgun with one bullet and then hand it to Derren. Using a series of psychological tests, Derren will then determine which chamber contains the bullet, put the gun to his head, and fire until he comes to the live chamber.

“Most of the stuff I do I reckon has a 90 per cent success rate,” says Derren. See if the odds are in his favour on 5 October, at 9pm on Channel 4.

The media are really making a meal of the whole event now. But the general reaction is that it was all a big trick.

Unfortually because the whole event went over by 5mins, I only captured till 22:00 and missed the last 5mins which was the important part. So yeah only up to the point when the deer and derren are talking and loading the gun. Hoping someone posts it online soon, as I was going to do.

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Matrix 3 – Revolutions trailer

The trailer is out there.
Downloaded the TGF version from alt.binaries.multimedia tonight, sick quality, looked like a hi quality dvd on my xbox.

Heres the nfo which came with it. If you can find it download it because its actually better quality than the version you get from the matrix site plus its damm 5.1 digital surround sound. I love Dolby Digital…Humm

TGF Proudly Presents

               Movie: Matrix Revolutions
               Title: Theatrical Trailer
              Format: WMV9 VCM + AC3 DD 5.1 wrapped in AVI
   Format Resolution: 1280x720p FILM Progressive
       Video Bitrate: 6.4 Mbit/sec Average
                      20.0 Mbit/burst 2-pass VBR
       Audio Bitrate: Remastered 224 kbps AC3 DD 2.0
                Size: 127,406,080 bytes	(127.4MB)
        Release Date: 29/09/2003


        Quite simply, I'm releasing this
        version of the theatrical trailer
       for HTPC users lucky enough to have
       DLP PJ's which are 1280x720 native
        or higher. Play this on your 100"
       screen and let me know how good it
             makes your system look.

   Or heck. Anyone with an HTPC hooked up to
             an HDTV set or monitor.

                  Release Notes

       This requires WM9 Video Codec and a
     DirectShow AC3 filter (e.g. ac3filter).
          ZoomPlayer is recommended for
     playback but WMP 6.4 or WMP9 will work.

         P4 2.4 GHz class or higher with
      DXVA AGP 4X/8X Video card recommended
                  for playback.

                   Group News


   I'm not a group. I'm an independent releaser.
  I strive for quality over speed above anything
     else. It's all about pushing technology
              and the envelope.


   People have yearn for more true HDTV content.
        WMV9 and XviD @ HDTV resolutions.
            Flames about choosing an
    M$ codec will be sent straight to /dev/null.


      My DVD5's are my masterpiece. Carefully
    mastered from TRUE HDTV raw MPEG-2 sources
   giving you studio quality DVD releases. Who
    else can claim untouched AC3 streams, and
   beautifully remastered HDTV to DVD content.

Looking forward to seeing Matrix 3 in Berlin, Germany now. Hoping to see it on a really large screen maybe imax?

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Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas has been in the news again, and I found a good site to keep track of what he's been up to. Next time he does his tour, I will have to drag my wife along. I explained to her that he is the british equalivent to Micheal Moore.

The forums are very lively, found this one. David Blaine – Fool, fraud, and full of sh*t.
Interesting comment from Pixelchick – what about derren brown wanting somweone to load the gun so he can play russian roulette? it seems strange that these adverts coincide with blaines – are they trying to outdo each other maybe? if so perhaps we should just put them in a carpark and leave them to it…

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Dr Divx vs Xmpeg5

I just found out DrDivx supports encoding of unencrypted vobs. What does this really mean? Well that means I dont need to use xmpeg anymore to encode my films. Version 5 looks and sounds great but its only in french, which could be a problem. But I'm still stuck on another problem.

I need to start encoding all my good films in ac3. In the old days getting ac3 sound out of my computer was awarked but now I usually watch movies on the xbox using xbox media player which supports ac3 without the hassle.

So yes, I need a encoder app which supports vobs but allows me to encode to divx or xvid with ac3 sound. At the moment I have to encode to the video in xmpeg 4.2 and output the raw ac3 sound to the hard drive then go to virtual dub and muliplex them together. Trust me its a pain and should be that way now.

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