Pacemaker + Sonodrome devices better explained

how pacemaker and sonodrome device can work

I thought I was pretty straight forward with my thoughts about using sonodrome devices with the pacemaker but some people did ask for a clearer description, the picture above this should be all you need.

So instead of plugging the Pacemaker straight into a amp, you plug the line out into the input of a your Sonodrome box. The Sonodrome box can be anything you want to build, I really want to build a Flanger Effect box on my first go, something I love playing with when djing but is sadly lacking from the pacemaker right now. Once you attach the output of the Sonodrome box to the Amp your away pretty much. I know you can buy effect peddles which do the same thing but there usually so heavy, made for bands, use external power and look like crap. What I would build would be unfussy, simple and small enough to throw in the bag alongside the pacemaker for live events.

A couple words of warning however.

The Sonodrome box, needs to deliver totally clean sound when not in use, because un/plugging it mid set would be a nightmare. So no amplification at 0 I guess. The Box should aid that feeling of movement, so big fat buttons and the like. They also need to be pretty solid when mounted, as there expected to get quite a lot of abuse.

There’s also some advantages to this type of setup, like taking a 3.5inch stereo jack on the input but having a selectable 5.5inch jack or even a XLR on the output. The projects seem pretty straight easy to follow. The one idea which really interests me a lot is the wiimote one. With bluetooth and a few selectable effects it should be straight forward to farm all the changes to the accelerometers on a wiimote instead. Although I can kind of imagine how it would work, I have no idea how much work it would take, maybe I’d be better asking someone to build it for me and paying them instead. Any takers?

Makerfaire 2010

On my way back from Makerfaire 2010 and thankfully I can decompress on the train back. The event was a hit with plenty more makers that last time. Surprisingly the event took place inside the science centre instead of millennium square which the science centre circles and was the venue of the last one. One of the downsides of the move to the science centre is the cost which was about 4 pounds per person. There was the question would

Some very cool things I saw….

Lasers! Some of the guys from the spraycan project had built a multi-colour laser out of a standard green laser, a red dvd laser and blu-r laser. Using special mounting mirrors between them all, You can see the whole lot on this forum specially setup for laser makers. Some of the others are equally impressive and dotted all over the forum. Will I make my own laser? who knows maybe some day in the future. Maybe I’ll start by strip down my toy red laser and add a couple other Red DVD lasers to a baseplate and then try adding a controller. Hummmm one for a rainy day me thinks.

Sonodrome create bespoke audio hardware and software which fit into small pocket size tins. What I like about them is the size and ability to add it to my pacemaker output. So I could live mix on my pacemaker and plug into one of these pocket size tins for some crazy filtering. Heck I can even chain them for some real fun. Talking to the guys behind Sonodrome its possible to do some stuff with wiimotes as a controller, so look out for some hacking in that area by me soon.

Sugru is interesting shame the guys can’t seem to make enough to make it into the shops.

Lastly Steampunk magazine. I’ve never really engaged with steampunk culture or anything like that. I’m more a futuristic kind of a guy in these departments, hi-tech trainers, hi-tech fabrics all dark colours. Anyway it was interesting to think about and the woman’s dresses and corsets are well something else!

Of course there was tons and tons of other things at Makerfaire but theres really caught my attention. The whole event was amazing and I look forward to 2011.

Three changes got me thinking

Hulu launched a new series called if I can dream. Its some 90210 crappy series but whats interesting is the fact there is no geo-ip on the media, making it a drama series that anyone can enjoy no matter where they live. You only have to look at something like Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog to see what happens when you got a well produced hit with no geo-ip.

I also saw TV product placement ban has been lifted in the UK. Commercial broadcasters will soon be allowed to accept payment for promoting branded goods in hit TV shows.

The promotion of alcohol, tobacco, gambling and foods that contain high levels of fat, salt or sugar will still be banned. The BBC will remain banned from promoting any products.

Product placement is already widespread in films, notably James Bond movies, and on American TV shows, including Sex and the City and Simon Cowell’s American Idol.

Both ITV and Channel 4 welcomed the lifting of the ban. An ITV spokesman said: “ITV welcomes the government’s announcement today to permit limited product placement in UK-made TV programmes. While we do not necessarily agree with the restrictions placed on certain categories, it is a step in the right direction as it will deliver additional revenue for investment in original content in the UK.”

Honestly I watch so much American tv that this makes no difference to me and to be fair with a new revenue model available, maybe more of the copyright owners will be less precious about who sees the media.

Finally, See Saw launched which is meant to be the UK Hulu but to be honest it feels very much like iplayer of early 2009. Where’s all the social sharing features which we all use everyday? Wheres the RSS feeds and API? Nowhere to be seen. Somebody please write a XBMC and Boxee plugin for this, so I consume it in a rational way.

Even more films you may have missed

Angel A

American Gangster – I love this film, its very clever in so many ways. While your somewhat rooting for Frank/Denzil who is super smart, modest and a entrepreneur with the nerve to take on everybody at there game. Your reminded that he is a drug dealer and making a living selling junk to people in his own community. Even the police didn’t believe a black man could be capable of getting to such a position and because of that they would focus there efforts on the Italians and other drug barons.

Strictly Sexually – This movie has pretty much come out of nowhere and has been downloaded tons of times according to different sources. Its very difficult to find on DVD due to its limited shelf life in the states. Anyway the plot centres on 2 woman and 2 men who have a one night stand. The woman so fed up with how complex relationships can be, decide to paying for a couple male escorts for the night (so no feelings involved sex). They meet our 2 guys at the bar and it all goes well but the next day when the woman try to pay the guys for the night, the guys are not best pleased. What follows is a complex relationship of trust and distrust. Its all shot pretty simply but the storyline and characters tend to keep you interested. Worth seeking out.

Legion – This is a new one which I fear will get missed in the push for the big blockbusters like Avatar. Its the end of the world, angels have been sent by god himself to take vengeance out the human race however in a cafe someway out side of LA works a woman with her unborn child. That child will save the world and one of the angels decides to go against god to give the human race a chance of survival. Its quite a simple plot but its visually stunning, interesting in a thrilling way and never stopping.

Ca$h – Sean Bean in this one is creepy as hell. Its all starts with a bank robbery that goes slightly wrong when they (including sean bean) have to ditch the money off a bridge. The money falls on the bonnet of a passing car, when the guy opens the case and sees the money he decides finders keepers. Unfortunately the bank robbers brother also played by sean bean tracks the guy down and demands the money back. The guy and his wife have spent a good lot of it already but return as much as possible to the brother whos now basically moved in with them. However there short about 20,000 dollars which is about 1 or 2% of the whole lot. Rather that count his loses like his locked up brothers begs him, he demands every pence be returned no matter what. As you can imagine what happens next. Another undiscovered hit with punchy dialogue and social compliance at the heart of the film. Its odd having Sean Bean play both brothers but what kills me is how anal someone can be over the money. You will be screaming at the display while watching this one.

Dogging: A love story – English movie with a bold title but not so bold plot. Dogging a love story is really a combination of different peoples lives and scenarios around dogging. Its tied together loosely but does generally work. I actually think if they kept it away from dogging it might have turned out to be a better film but yes it would have lost its shock. So what is the plot? Well a journalist is researching the dogging scene which his flat mate is a part of. Somehow he get mixed up with a lady who is also new and not sure about the whole thing. The lady is amazingly cute and when they first met in a cold car park love is in the air. After that its a swings and round abouts till they finally meet and say what they should have said the first day they met. Yep its a love story with a load of weird twists and stereotyping of people who go dogging. Although I’m quite down on this film, I got to say it is worth watching. The ladies are the type you would love to live next door to and the guys except our romeo character are either total nerds or cocks.

Up in the air – This film could only be made in the 2000’s, there so much in it about everyday life in the 00’s. Theres so many little humorous touches like when the couple have hotel sex and then get there laptops out to work out when they can next get together. The loyalty card stuff is classic stuff and generally air travel stuff for people who travel a lot is great. George Clooney is fantastic in this film and the people around him are certainly pulled into the halo effect. The plot is quite interesting and fits the it could work in the 2000’s theme. George spends most of his time on planes and airports going to companies to help them professionally sack people. This requires flying all over the states and communicating with base for where to go next. Most people hate this but george loves it and loves the road warrior lifestyle. However this is all under threat with a recently joined graduate who decides to make a push for the company to use voip technologies instead. George is then given the chance to get the graduate up to speed by his boss before they move over to voip. In the time the grad and george spend flying places, many things happen and they both get a lesson about the human condition. Its all very warming at the end, but its ok because theres lots of prickly issues through out the film. Don’t miss this one.

Creation – The story of Charles Darwin as he struggles to find a balance between the theories on evolution which he’s discovering and the religious relationship with his wife. To be fair it does drag on a little in places but generally its well worth watching, specially for the parts involving his child where he’s forced to explain to her what a impact his studies could have on the world. Yes its a period drama but with so much more purpose.

Angel-A – This is a weird one, its shot in black and white and is totally french. Its takes place in Paris and is somewhere between drama, comedy, romance and fantasy. André is owes too many people too much money, to top that he’s american and his passport has been stolen so he’s in for a really rough time. So rough, that he decides to jump off a bridge and end it all. However on the exact same bridge is a leggy blonde super model. She jumps and he saves her. So thankful, she agrees to be his side kick and help solve his problems. As you can imagine there is a lot which happens afterwards but I won’t spoil it for you.

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt – Yes I know its a remake but if you’ve not seen the original film noir version, then this one might be a lot more accessible. The film starts off as a standard court room drama centered around a murder and before you know it things have twisted and changed right before your eyes. I don’t want to spoil this one either because its really worth watching. Specially now you got a really good line up of stars on board for this excellent remake.

Case 39 – I’m not usually into horror because I find them boring but this was much more leaning towards the thriller section. Theres not much to it, over worked social worker checks out a case where the parents try and kill there child by putting her in the oven. Child is saved and queue the start of a very difficult relationship with the social worker. Thats all I’m going to say… Worth watching on a sunday night with the lights down, it will take you by surprise.

The Essential Mixes

Armin Van Buuren djing is a website where you can stream, download, view tracklists and rate every Radio 1 essential mix since it began in 1993. Wow, but its not flawless.

There are so many amazing mixes on the site… One which takes me right back is Force & Styles mix from 1997. Just check out the playlist from this sweet mix. The only tune missing is the Eyeopener by Dj Brisk.

  1. Force & Styles – “Paradise & Dreams” (Diverse)
  2. Force & Styles – “Apollo 13 Pt II” (UK Dance)
  3. Bang The Future – “Body Slam” (GBT)
  4. Force & Styles – “Cuttin’ Deep” (Diverse Recordings)
  5. DJ Quatro – “Musical Mayhem” (HecTec)
  6. Sy & Bunter – “Connect Your Step” (GBT)
  7. Sy & Demo – “Love & Devotion” (Quosh)
  8. DJ Stompy – “Body Rock” (Hectic)
  9. JDS – “Higher Love” (Stompin’ Choonz)
  10. DJ Eruption – “Don’t You Want Me” (United Dance)
  11. Demo
  12. Ham & Time – “Here I Am” (Jal Premium)
  13. Ramos & Supreme – “Gotta Believe” (Hectic Rewinds)
  14. Hixxy & Bananaman – “Together Forever” (Essential Platinum)
  15. DJ Eruption – “Let The Music” (United Dance)
  16. Force & Styles – “Pretty Green Eyes” (UK Dance)
  17. Force & Styles – “Your Love” (Happy Trax)
  18. Bang – “Cloudy Daze” (Next Generation)
  19. Force & Styles – “Shining Down” (UK Dance)
  20. DJ Demo – “Your Mine” (Universal)
  21. Slipmatt & Eruption – “Sunshine” (First Recordings)
  22. Billy Bunter – “Untitled” (GBT)
  23. DJ Eruption – “Reach Out” (United Dance)
  24. DJ Vinyl Groover – “It Doesn’t Have To Be” (Hectic Rewinds)
  25. DJ Vinyl Groover – “Time After Time” (Obsession)

The site its self is pretty impressive, it really celebrates the dj and the amazing mixes which is good thing. So I went to register and found out, registration actually costs money up front which is a bit cheeky, yes its only 2 pounds 50 but there should be a option to sign up without paying. Then if you want to download, you have to pay. There’s also no clear indication what kind of downloads will be available. I can’t actually tell if the downloads are mp3’s, ogg vorbis or something drm’ed like AAC/WMA?

Reading people tweets, there seems to be a lot of problems downloading mixes, so maybe they should adopt some kind of P2P system like bit torrent to ease the bandwidth problems there having. Something like P2Pnext would be perfect for this setup. Finally, it would be great to have a API or at least RSS feeds.

I’m sure someone is already writing a script/app for this site to go into XBMC/Boxee/other devices, if there not – I might just do it myself.

System F remix competition

To be fair the last thing I really want to do is enter another competition after the sheer Mess O’Potamia of the Lets Mix Next Generation DJ contest, I’m not so sure I really want to enter another, but remixing a range of System F/Ferry Corsten’s tunes is too tempting.

Back in 1999, System F’s ‘Out Of The Blue’ redefined trance music for a new generation. Ferry Corsten’s synth-laden classic destroyed dancefloors across the planet and became a worldwide chart hit, beginning one of the most successful careers in dance music for the Dutch maestro. 11 years on, the track is being re-released with a host of new mixes from Tiësto, Hi_Tack, Laidback Luke, Rafaël Frost, Giuseppe Ottaviani, Koen Groeneveld, Showtek and others!

To celebrate, Ferry Corsten in association with and Copa Football, has launched FC System F – the chance to become part of the greatest team in trance history! By entering the competition, users are able to remix highlights from the System F back catalogue. To kick things off, Tiësto, Laidback Luke and the above have already remixed ‘Out Of The Blue’, but there are 10 further original tracks presented in the line-up, all waiting for the remix treatment from a new star player.

Starting weekly from February 2nd, Ferry will post the original parts of a System F track on the website. After agreeing to the Terms & Conditions and registering, fans will be able to download the parts for free, and have 3 weeks to send in their remix via a download link to

Wonder if I can use LMMS for remixing these tracks once their available?

FLCL / Fooly Cooly

Cosplay FLCL

I’ve pretty much backed up all my dvds to my storage array which is great and been watching some of the odder stuff. A good friend Lucas who now lives in Toronto (miss him) bought me FLCL on DVD a while back and I loved it.

So when I watched it again last weekend, I forgot how good this Anime is. Its only 6 episodes but there so involved and a joy to watch. Here’s a brief overview…

FLCL, also known as Furi Kuri or Fooly Cooly, is a fast paced and confusing Japanese animated series. The story begins when an energetic alien girl drives up on a Vespa and hits an unsuspecting adolescent boy over the head with a left-handed bass guitar.

This crazy hyperactive style can easily be misinterpreted, causing strongly opposing opinions of the show’s value. There are many metaphorical plots and hidden meanings underneath its surface. The series is a pun in itself with suggestive and sexual metaphors. The strange situations and dialogue reflect the confusion and awkwardness of puberty (as well as society in general). FLCL is an exercise in unconventional, self-alluding anime.

The plot takes on an unconventional love story, using comedic elements to bridge the story together including satires of John Woo and South Park, not to mention allusions to other anime such as Neon Genesis Evangelion, Lupin III and Gundam. Essentially the series is a coming-of-age story.

If you look carefully you will find most of it on Youtube, but its worth buying or getting in a much higher rez. The cinematic direction is great and up there with some of the best animation I’ve seen.

The world’s most important 6-sec drum loop

Matt showed me this earlier in the week but I had to blog it. This is a excellent example of remix culture… Imagine if Amen had claimed copyright over the break? Or if they had licensed it only to the top producers in the music industry.

This fascinating, brilliant 20-minute video narrates the history of the “Amen Break,” a six-second drum sample from the b-side of a chart-topping single from 1969. This sample was used extensively in early hiphop and sample-based music, and became the basis for drum-and-bass and jungle music — a six-second clip that spawned several entire subcultures. Nate Harrison’s 2004 video is a meditation on the ownership of culture, the nature of art and creativity, and the history of a remarkable music clip.

Most Downloaded Movies on BitTorrent, 2009

There are quite a few differences between popularity at the box office and on BitTorrent. Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs and 2012 are ranked 2nd and 4th based on their worldwide grosses but didn’t make it into the top 10 list of most swapped movies.

On the contrary, RocknRolla is the third most pirated movie on BitTorrent this year, but with a minuscule worldwide revenue of $25 million it was ranked just 168th at the box office in 2008 when the movie came out. Part of the success of RocknRolla is that it was released by the infamous uploader aXXo whose releases are always guaranteed to have at least a few million downloads.

Taken from TorrentFreak

rank movie – downloads = worldwide grosses

  1. Star Trek – 10,960,000 = $385,459,120
  2. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – 10,600,000 = $834,969,807
  3. RocknRolla – 9,430,000 = $25,728,089
  4. The Hangover – 9,180,000 = $459,422,869
  5. Twilight – 8,720,000 = $384,997,808
  6. District 9 – 8,280,000 = $204,570,836
  7. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – 7,930,000 = $929,359,401
  8. State of Play – 7,440,000 = $87,784,194
  9. X-Men Origins: Wolverine – 7,200,000 = $373,062,569
  10. Knowing – 6,930,000 = $183,260,464

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