I thoughts it was about time I formalised this challenge a bit.
For a long while people have asked what is a cubicgarden? I have smiled and never let on. Then it got to a point years ago while in London when I said if someone can work it out I would buy them dinner (not anywhere stupidly expensive but a nice dinner in a good restaurant). However, if they lose the challenge they have to buy me dinner.
People have a year to work it out or forfeit a dinner with me.
I give out a couple clues which are…
- Its something from the 80’s or 90’s
- Its/they are in a game
If someone can name the game (not even find the actual cubicgarden) I would finally post the solution on my blog for all. I won’t accept auto-generated lists of games from the 80’s and 90’s, just in-case you were thinking being smart.
Its interesting that no search engine can find it or work out what it may be… Machine learning wouldn’t have a chance without intimate knowledge of me and my background.
So far a few people have taken up the challenge including Jon but failed to name that game. Maybe it should be something to put in my will?