Yep thanks to Steve Clayton the geek in disguise. I now own about 50 “I'm a PC” stickers. So if you see me with my laptop bag, ask me for a sticker. I'll be at quite a few places in May, so do tap me on the shoulder and say hi.
Thoughts and ideas of a dyslexic designer/developer
Yep thanks to Steve Clayton the geek in disguise. I now own about 50 “I'm a PC” stickers. So if you see me with my laptop bag, ask me for a sticker. I'll be at quite a few places in May, so do tap me on the shoulder and say hi.
Tim Wu on Network Neutrality. I have a lot of time for Tim Wu although I don't actually read his blog. I first discovered him when he took over from Lawrence Lessig on his blog while Lessig was on Holiday. The points he makes in the video are well crafted but it also reminds us not to take our eyes off the ball. For example I do use Twitter (of course) but I'm very aware its on borrowed time. I'm a big fan of Indenti.ca and now Jaiku, and will be on it and promoting them when ever I can.