Its happening on October 17th in Leicester Square. You can find lots more information on the official site (needs text) or the weirdly titled upcoming event.
Thoughts and ideas of a dyslexic designer/developer
Its happening on October 17th in Leicester Square. You can find lots more information on the official site (needs text) or the weirdly titled upcoming event.
Its happening on October 17th in Leicester Square. You can find lots more information on the official site (needs text) or the weirdly titled upcoming event.
So I'm having a leaving do tomorrow night (29th Sept 2006). Its going to be at Souk Medina which is near Seven dials in Covert Garden. I have a space booked from 7pm, and expect to be there for most of the night. So feel free to come down and say hi or wave me off to my new position at backstage.bbc.co.uk. The lady holding the coffee tips will not be there, she had a leaving do there last year so it should be good fun. Hope to see you all there…