If you've been reading my old blog you will know I have a tabletpc and its not working as a tablet.
The screen still spins round 180 degrees and the pen still operates. But none of the inking fuctionality works, actually it stopped working back in late 2002. If I sent it back to Toshiba, how long would it be out of action? And seeing how this is actually my work machine…i cant take the risk.
So anyway my problem cant be the only one, and it isnt…
windows journal won't load anymore??? error inking components??? …
Some good sites I picked up while browsing…
tabletpc 2
tabletpc talk
tabletpc buzz
And of course some weblogs to go with that.
Marcus' TabletPC Radio weblog
Stephen Dulaney's Radio Weblog
Loren's Incremental Blogger
Tabula PC
Some of the stuff I'm reading, is urging me to get this tablet fixed
The problems DLL for future reference.
All exist in – C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedInk
penkor.dll, Microsoft.Ink.dll, Microsoft.Ink.resources.dll, HWXUSA.DLL, penchs.dll, penjpn.dll