I don’t remember much of it as I was drinking red wine from Bucharest with large vodka shots every time it gets a little awkward. It seems to be the new drinking game people are doing around the Undressed TV show.
Little rewind…
Jane sent me an email about a new TV show called undressed which was based around the 36 questions to fall in love. I poo-pooed the whole thing a year earlier and then though got to be in it to really have a proper view on it. So I signed up, slightly fueled with Simon’s comment of if there’s a chance to have a great experience and walk with a great story, having not hurt/killed yourself or harmed anyone else. You should do it!
So I signed up and got the call from the researcher, which lead me to realise I would be in my boxers while experiencing accelerated intimacy with a total stranger. After looking it up and finding the italian series then experiencing one of the most insane skype calls/audition I ever will experience. Answering lots of OKcupid style questions, being matched, tickets to Wimbledon, shooting the whole thing, meeting a wonderful woman (Jess) on the foot of a bed. Then whisked away to catch a plane to Berlin the next morning.
I wrote up how I felt about the whole experience on the train home from London. Then after getting the confirmed date of me and Jess’s show date, we decided to record a 90min podcast which is really worth listening to the 90min podcast in mp3, ogg even torrent.
Ok all caught up
Mild spoilers contained below!
Then Friday 12th Aug evening comes around. I have something quick to eat, take some antihistamines (my friends have a cat) wait for them to kick in, then head to their flat with a bottle of Bucharest wine and some olives. We chat for a bit about the trailer for the show which I am in and caused a little stir with friends on fb, and start watching the show.
Ok wine and nibbles at the ready – #undressedTLC I'm almost ready to see what you did to our date
— Ian Forrester (@cubicgarden) August 12, 2016
Bear in mind, by the end I was pretty drunk from shots of vodka on top of wine. But it was certainly cringy but I have to say it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. I had thought of them really turning it into a joke and frankly the chemistry and intimacy between myself and Jess certainly did shine through. They left out a lot of the conversation between us, I guess our conversation was too intellectual and progressive for 10pm TV on a subscription channel. Maybe a conversation about feminism sat next to “Say yes to the dress” would put viewers off?
This is what happens when you don't move after watching #SYTTDUK what am I watching?? #UndressedTLC
— Melissa Driscoll (@MelonsD01) August 12, 2016
Maybe the moment I realised Undressed wasn’t about the questions undressing the other person but much more literally. I should have known better than start a progressive discussion about feminism? Interestingly although they cut out the feminism discussion (not a single thing is left of that) and removing our talk about each others background; which I thought they would leave especially since the description makes reference to Jess being well-travelled. They kept a small part of the Sapiosexual discussion. I’m sure Tom would love to hear the whole thing. I also found it interesting that they removed all references to Jess being bisexual too. Too much for the “say yes to the dress” audience to handle at 10pm?
#undressedTLC Jess and Ian are keen – you didn't ask them to start undressing yet!
— Kat (@KGord3) August 12, 2016
Myself and Jess did wonder if they would green screen the backdrop with orders and questions, or even put stupid things up to replace them. Especially the order to “Undress” Which never happen due to our nature to just go for it. I mean why waste time, there’s much more interesting things to get into.
@cnorthwood your perverse curiosity wants to see @cubicgarden's arse?
— Claire Dodd (@GirlGeekUpNorth) August 12, 2016
There was a lot of shots of my builders bum, which wasn’t great but to be fair I had to buy new underwear specially for the show and never worn them before. I’m pretty glad nothing else was focused on, or at least I spotted nothing in HD.
The feedback has generally been really positive…
@cubicgarden quality stuff, Ian!
— Anders (@TriAnders) August 12, 2016
Thanks Anders, my very old neighbour from Bristol. I felt happy that I was portaied in a decent enough manor. Natalie said I was kind and courteous towards Jess which was lovely to see. I’m a gentleman and would have been pretty pissed off if edited to look like a total dick. Likewise Jess I felt came across well, shes a lovely woman with her own mind and opnions and that came across I felt.
@cubicgarden Wow, what a brave and bold thing to do! Well done 🙂
— alittlebit (@alittlebit) August 12, 2016
When one of my Newcastle mother hens says something like this, you can’t help but smile quite a bit. I haven’t quite told my parents about the show going out this week. That will be the difficult conversation later on tonight on the phone.
@cubicgarden Proud of you for pushing your social limits and doing it dude! Good job!
— Tim Dobson (@tdobson) August 13, 2016
I always compared it to the way some people will free climb a building (you know who you are Max), jump out of an airplane or perform a 900 on a skateboard at the age of 48! Most of us think they are simply crazy or extremely brave (or at least I do). To them its pushing their limits and they likely stand back and say wow that was great.
I was never going to jump out a plane or free climb a building, but I pushed my limits like I always said I would and gained a new friendship.
@cubicgarden Catching up on #UndressedTLC just now I nearly fell off the sofa!!!! Well done that man. 🙂 🙂
— Julie Howell (@HowellOWGreens) August 13, 2016
Thanks Julie who I haven’t seen in ages…
@cubicgarden I love it, I wish I had your guts…I hope you bought the ??
— Ngunan Adamu BBC (@NgunanAdamuBBC) August 13, 2016
Is it guts, stupidity or just taking a chance? We split the bill on the second date as all should do regardless (imho).
@cubicgarden how do you feel about it now it's all done and 'out there'? Would you do it again?
— Cat Bell (@peligringa) August 13, 2016
Would I do it again? Nope, its one of those one time deals. I was very fortunate to have such a great woman who instantly got me and I got her. I feel if I was ever to do it again, I wouldn’t be so lucky and end up with someone much less interesting.
I have to give a plus one to the production crew, they did a great job matching us and further proves its not about the algorithms.
It’s slighly by fluke that I posted about not living a normal life just before the showing of undressed. But it certainly stands… Last year going to Tokyo, this year appearing on TV (twice!) and in my underwear. I mean if anything the willingness to undress and be undressed is pretty powerful.
Whats planned for next year? Who knows…