Thanks to Teknoteacher for the tweet… alerting me to the Times review
Just as I feared…
Unfortunately very little airtime during new series “The year of making love” is given over to actual “science” involved
Science…! Yes science we all shout…!
@zeonglow said something interesting while I was watching the latest episode.
#yoml isn’t science. They should have matched up half of them at random. That would have been interesting.
All the science in the programme is 2 scientists looking pretty saying comments like, “oh there a good match…” I would suggest the title is quite correct, biology lessons minus the science.
Yes most people who watch BBC Three would yawn but thats part of the reason why I personally took part…
The whole post is online as you’d expect. But I leave you with this fun section…
Unfortunately, very little airtime during new series The Year of Making Love is given over to the actual “science” involved. Essentially, personality-profiler Thomas and behavioural-psychologist Emma have analysed the assembled single masses and paired them off with one another. Imagine Yente, the matchmaker in Fiddler on the Roof, if she exchanged the layered shawls for a lab coat.