Then over the last few months I got my hands on a secondhand HP Z800 workstation with 4x quad core 2.8 ghz processors (yes 16 cores in total). It came with 12 gig of memory which I was planning to upgrade if things work out. It came with a PCI-Express Nvida Geforce graphics card, so I was thinking everything is set. just install Ubuntu with Plex media server, install the proprietary Nvidia display drivers and sit back and enjoy?
I wish…
Here is Plex transcoding inception from 1080p with DTS (Blu-ray sourced) to something suitable for my Pixel 4 (I had to turn off play original, to force it to do the transcoding)
You can see it much clearer in the htop terminal. Look at those cores running transcoding tasks.
Here is Plex not transcoding inception from 1080p with DTS (Blu-ray sourced) to my Pixel 4
Quite different from the above, the machines is hardly doing anything over its 16 cores. But the bandwidth is a problem outside a local network environment
If anyone has successfully got hardware-Accelerated Streaming working on a Ubuntu server, let me know!