Something caught my eye while reading about, The Five Trends Shaping the Future of Work.
This is a generation of employees with technological fluency that is willing to live at home longer until they find a company that they truly want to work for. In other words, organizations must shift from creating an environment where they assume that people NEED to work there to one where people WANT to work there.
Need and Want… I believe this to be true in the creative classes, but certainly not for many out there unfortunately. Now thats something we should be working to change…
Interestingly from Stowe Boyd,
A recent report published by TINYhr, based on over 200,000 anonymous employee responses to ongoing engagement surveys, paints a pretty bleak picture of employee happiness.
Some highlights from the report, if you want to call them that:
Only 21% feel valued at work.
49% are not satisfied with their direct supervisor.
More than one in four do not think they have the tools to be successful.
66% of all employees don’t feel they have strong opportunities for professional growth in their current organizations.
64% do not feel they have a strong company culture.
Work is due a massive refresh, and I mean all types of work for all people.