I did enjoy this smart comedy piece by @Munya Chawawa
… as usual don’t read the comments!
Thoughts and ideas of a dyslexic designer/developer
I did enjoy this smart comedy piece by @Munya Chawawa
… as usual don’t read the comments!
While major news networks have struggled to figure out the right way to cover the Trump administration, political satirists like Samantha Bee, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, and Seth Meyers have demonstrated why comedy can be such a powerful antidote to bullshit.
I was thinking the other day, I don’t really watch much TV news. Ok I don’t watch any live TV anyway but News would be very low in that tiny percentage.
However I do watch a lot of Comedy news from last week tonight, the daily show, realtime with bill maher, etc. That backed with reading news from credible news sites makes up most of my news. News sources which take a longer view on things, rather than whats happening right now.
The nonsense from our politicians is alarming and theres only a certain amount I can personally take. The only way to cope is to laugh at how stupid the whole system is and not breath in too much of it.
I guess because of this I sleep pretty well at night (especially with my new hours) I certainly don’t do the doom scroll thing, worrying about what I saw on the news.
Trigger warning… topics of a sexual nature in comedy in the video
Elaine’s date takes ‘it’ out before saying good-night. Elaine then explains the date to Jerry and Kramer.
Like watching a lot of 90’s TV (or older TV), there is a certain amount of cringe and headshaking. But generally Seinfeld gets away with it all for its progressive stance.
However I noticed this Seinfeld clip which seems so much darker in the age of #metoo. It was obviously bad then but the laughter adds a certain amount of extra pain to the whole clip.
2018 has been quite different in a good way.
Looking from the Quantified Self point of view
Regardless of the data he’s the review of my new years resolutions from 2018.
This didn’t happen, maybe Kates appetite for adventure has dimished?
I'm a home bird
… what about the moon
— Kate Norman ♥ (@sarahkatenorman) September 25, 2018
Either way, I’m also quite impressed with work friend Jimmy Lee’s travelroulette to Hong Kong. I keep seeing good prices to fly from Manchester in early 2019.
No go on this one. I had planned to head to Rotterdam to visit my volleyball friend Barbara then drive around the Netherlands and maybe into Beligum and north west Germany? Going to some theme parks on the way, before going back to Rotterdam and then back to Hull.
Oh I busted this resoultion mutliple times over. Starting with Parque Warner Madrid and Parque de Atracciones de Madrid.
Grand total today at Parque Warner madrid
26 rides on super man
6 rides on stunt drop
6 rides on batmanHeart rate peaked at 125 BPM and as low as 53 BPM both on superman
Stunt drop had technical faults closed and batman is still nothing compared to 22yr old Nemesis
— Ian Forrester | @cubicgarden (@cubicgarden) March 28, 2018
Then in my next trip to the nordic countries I went to Gröna Lund
Gröna Lund grand total after 8hrshttps://t.co/U2RbMnnTGn
Jetline 35x
Twister 4x
Kvasten 1x
Insane 16x pic.twitter.com/S0gGFGMYzv— Ian Forrester | @cubicgarden (@cubicgarden) June 18, 2018
Then hit my person best of 49x times on one ride by visited Tivoli theme park in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Tonight at Tivoli Gardenshttps://t.co/zKuMziXNAO
1x the mine
1x the rollercoaster
48x the demon
1x the demon with vr pic.twitter.com/uNNzqqGjyo— Ian Forrester | @cubicgarden (@cubicgarden) June 25, 2018
49 times on the Demon, people asks why didn’t I do a round 50? Well I did try but the ride closed just as I made the last journey. Unlike UK parks, the park was open very late 11pm so I took it easy and stopped for food, etc. So I wasn’t trying to break some personal record or anything. Just going around and around enjoying each ride.
Then I thought it would be just too rude to not visit Linnanmäki in Helsinki, Finland while attending Mydata 2018 which happened next door! Although I didn’t like much of the rides and it opened at 4pm?
Linnanmaki rollercoaster park In Helsinkihttps://t.co/T5pFvByfrN
Pretty dead no wonder they open at 4pm
In a hour and a bit…
11 rides on Linnanmakin
4 rides on Kirnu
1 ride on a wooden coaster from 1948? pic.twitter.com/mFuzjcVojW— Ian Forrester | @cubicgarden (@cubicgarden) August 28, 2018
Then finally I got to Port Adventura Barcelona, Spain. A very popular theme park with Rollercoaster fans.
Total rides today Portadventura https://t.co/Bz1nV0zA0i
32x Shambhala https://t.co/ozCHCd15w5
1x Diablo https://t.co/ORkdRKEXn2
4x redforce https://t.co/HVvYpTra9F
6x dragon khan https://t.co/4QHHYOBcqH
2x ferious baco https://t.co/IvvJ2vktDE
1x stampida https://t.co/aPDM3CjeiG pic.twitter.com/0kusjOUkOr— Ian Forrester | @cubicgarden (@cubicgarden) September 7, 2018
253 rides in another over country…
Truly smashed this one into pieces and loved every moment.
This year I got to two new countries. Finland and Macedonia. Both suprised me, the Finnish was fancinating and massively different from the Swedish in many ways I didn’t quite get till I was there. Also great to see old Manchester friend Gabrielle while I was there.
Macedonia was also really interesting and I couldn’t help but link what I saw in Romania with Macedonia. One of the highlights was seeing and walking around a set of flats (centar) which I had only really seen on the screen while creating the living room of the future.
I got to the Edinburgh Comedy Festival with my partner this year. The last time I was in the fringe festival was in 2007 during the TV Un-Festival. This year I did a lot of comedy from Edinburgh to a more local Cholton Chuckles.
Very enjoyable and something I’d like to keep this going for sure.
This didnt happen enough, I went to a MCR Talk: Retrain Your Brain but not much more, something to explore more next year? But I’ve given up on Funzing as the last event was pretty poor.
So this worked out well except I broke it a few times with some poor chocolate choices. One such time was eating a milkyway out of a box celebrations, there was no Twix left and I didn’t realise Teaseers were Maltesers. But I have been pretty good most of the time and its really changed my tastes when it comes to chocolate. Now I find milk chocolate far too sugarly and milky, almost sickly.
Cocoarunners has done a excellent job providing different types of chocolates monthly and the range has been super impressive. Theres a blog post previously highlighting my favourate ones.
I have a task to extend my e-residency card to 5 years which I need to do ASAP, likely in the next few weeks. After that I also have a task to look into self-signing using my estonian e-residency.
Started to reduce the amount of services but theres a lot more that can be done. But this year I have been making my home server more stable which runs Plex, Tinytiny RSS, etc.
So my partner asks…
“More daring?”
“Yes more daring” I reply with a slight smile
I have been dating my partner for almost 10 months now and like all relationships its needs work, time and effort. Luckily my partner is understanding, patient and caring…sometimes! (smile!)
Still very interested and theres some chatter about doing something around this with a potential new project in 2019. Although I’m not dating myself, theres still a moral problem I see and would like a hand in changing, regardless of my own status. Decentralise dating for the win of team human!
This has happened, especially since I starting using Mastodon.
However Facebook dropped support for third-party tools to automatically share posts to Facebook Profiles, which is annoying and means my facebook is very quiet. Twitter also changed their API breaking a lot of my linux twitter clients forcing me to use the web interface. This meant my use of twitter has dropped too.
So generally I’m doing less POSSE because each platform is locking down their systems.
Its been 11 years since I really went to the Edinburgh festival. Back then I was running BBC Backstage and via some smart people decided to put on the Edinburgh TV Unfestival. I got to a few events but never really got going. So 11 years later, with my partner I was back.
The comedians make a living from word of mouth, I felt it would be wrong not to write a quick summary of what I thought of each one.
First seen on schneier’s blog, it certainly made me laugh quite a bit.
Ok its not exactly #perceptivemedia but its certainly got elements of perceptive media… Trying to remember who posted it to me? Maybe I’ll add credit later, for now Dara can take the credit.
Cutting edge comedy from the BBC's Now Show. Found via Richard Sambrook's blog.
If you missed Marcus Brigstocke's comic rant against the Abrahamic faiths on The Now Show, you can find it here. It's seven minutes in total – but the first three are inspired. Strangely not as many complaints as one might have anticipated – that's the benefit of being even handed I guess….
If you've not seen Stephen Colbert at The White House Correspondents’ Association event, stop and go and check it out. Sarah downloaded it on Sunday and it came down really quickly over the torrent network. But you can also check it out on YouTube, part 1, 2 and 3. We watched the whole event from start to finish including the stuff missing from youtube (says it all really, not good enough to get onto youtube maybe?). So generally the whole thing about the old place where the press correspondents currently report from really sucked and went on too long, I wanted to say give it up the joke is so dead now. Then Bush did his thinking Bush and just Bush routine. It was ok, but to be honest it got long in the tooth again really quickly and was it only me or was Bush's timing really bad. Don't get me wrong I know he's not a comedian but the other guy is and should have added more pace to the whole routine. Funny enough the mainstream press loved the whole thing. Well enough said really?
Then Colbert took the stage and like that best man who says all the wrong things at a wedding who makes everyone cringe so much. Colbert plunges into grounds which no one thought even he would do in front of Bush.
So the IT Crowd is now available online for people wanting to check it out. The official site is or you can download directly from Channel4 using this link. Slashdot has a overview of comments.
So my own view is that its not bad, its got some funny scenarios but I don't see how there going to keep it up for more than 6 episodes which would be fine. There's quite a lot of taking the piss out of geeks, nerds and IT staff generally but to be fair this also applies to the non IT Staff trying to use computers (like the boss who thinks his computer is now voice controlled). Its certainly more mainstream than I expected which in this show is actually a good thing because its very accessable, even if it reforces the very obvious stereotypes. The IT Crowd feels really British, I can see why it got a bad review generally. The laughter track seems like a typical shown to a audience affair rather than American canned. For those interested in watching it on TV, its on Friday on Channel4. Expect it to be bit torrented everywhere really soon. By the way, I'm currently downloading Beauty and the geeks which Sheila recommended.
The high-rise towers of Renham Industries are full of go-getters, success stories, and winners… apart from in the basement. While their beautiful colleagues work upstairs in fantastic surroundings, the I.T. department – Jen, Roy and Moss – lurk below ground, scorned by their co-workers as geeky losers.
Channel4's attempt to bring geeky humour to the mainstream? Maybe. Who can tell but I douht it will be as good as what the amatuers can do. Kevin Rose and friends are doing there own titled Outsourced. And is expected to be a true taste of geekyness. At the moment the only geeky non news type shows I can think of are, The Scene and that old BBC show Attachments (which I can not find via the BBC site. But you can buy the VHS here). So generally anything would be a improvement on whats currently there. But I am worrying that the IT Crowd will simply recycle the same geek stereotypes and make the whole sitcom about laughing at geek culture. Don't get me wrong nothing wrong with laughing at ourselves but there are limits. I guess its like the whole arguement about Little Britian and many other sitcoms. But to be fair if you look at the Office (the orginal british version) its got stereotypes but it doesnt take the piss out of a group of people. Little Britian does not take the piss out of people who are gay, just that one guy who thinks he's the only gay in the village. Anyhow I'll reserve judgement till I actually see the sitcom which you can sign up and watch online before the broadcast at the end of this month.
I posted a entry about a evening with Jon Stewart a while ago. And just got back from a fantastic evening. Jon was on top form and had everyone clapping and cheering on a lot of sadly amusing blunders and failings of the American government, Mainstream media and people generally. I wont go into too much detail except to say after the performance my wife Sarah had a chance meeting with Jon Stewart while I was in the toilet. All I can say is that she was glowing all the way home afterwards. Bless…