I am preparing myself for another really busy period of time. From Sunday 22nd right through to Sunday 19th November (yes almost a month).
- What is the future of adaptive narratives? – London (tickets available)
- Databox hackday – London (tickets available)
- Mozilla Festival 2017 – London (get your ticket now!)
- Sarajevo Unlimited – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- ICIDS 2017 – Madeira, Portugal
This will mean the usual warning of being busy and not really replying in a timely fashion (what ever that really means).
Some will look at this list and say “ohhhh check you out… lucky devil!”
My reply is yes I am grateful (my gratitude habit) that I can go to these amazing places, but even more that I will get the opportunity to talk to new people (audiences, future producers and maybe potentially co-creators). There are some amazing research projects in the pipeline, stuff that once again makes me very excited.
An amazing well loved colleague recently died. It was a shock but further reminds me and hopefully others our time is finite; We need to spend it doing what we love and making positive things happen. Inspire others to do the same and find their inner geekness.
Can’t say too much right now but in Cardiff & York recently, I share my a couple of ideas in the talks. There are slides which are good pointers to the ambition.
If you want to know more reach out (don’t be shy) or even join Storytellers United Slack.