Join me at the virtual Mozilla Festival in 2023

I’m very happy to say 4 of my proposals were accepted for the virtual Mozilla Festival 2023. Worth noting the tickets are available now for a pay what you can.

Ian Forrester, talking about the Mozilla Festival's Transparency

My 4 proposals are…

Designing for the future fediverse

in Allies in Practice on Thursday 23rd March – 18:30–20:00 GMT

A designer view on what the Fediverse could be for many people. Everything from the site, apps, platforms and beyond will be up for redesign.

Black crypto culture

in Tech & Biodiversity: Legado 2060 on Monday 20th – 13:45–14:45 GMT

A critical look at how people of colour, LGBT and others were targeted by the crypto pushers selling the dream of intergenerational wealth. Learning the techniques to prevent it in the future.

Building the Future of Public Service together

in Education & Access: You’re The Product Of Data on Monday 20th March – 21:30–22:30 GMT

Understanding what the public service internet could be and who else  is doing similar, in what spaces and to what degree? We will together map for the benefit of everyone

Rabbit Holes Collective

in the Youth Zone on Tuesday 21st March – 17:00–18:00 GMT

Myself and Penny from Forest of imagination are going to run quickly through the rabbit holes collective launching in June. Then have a freestyle jam session with the Adaptive podcasting editor and the young people who attend.

Mozfest 2022

I know a lot of people are fed up with virtual festivals but the Mozilla virtual Festival is something very different. How different? Have a read of my review of 2021 Mozfest. Well worth the ticket price and don’t forget it gives you access to the festival till September allow you to catch up with sessions you missed and that incredible community

Hope to see you at the Mozilla Festival at some points.

Author: Ianforrester

Senior firestarter at BBC R&D, emergent technology expert and serial social geek event organiser. Can be found at, and