Neurodiversity from all on the board

London Underground on neurodiversity

It was Leena who point me towards this tweet from @allontheboard.

Let’s celebrate the many positive aspects of being neurodiverse and break every stigma. You are not alone.

#Neurodiversity #Neurodiverse #ADHD #Autism #Dyslexia #Dyspraxia #allontheboard

This is so great on so many levels and I recommend reading through the tweet replies.

Dec 13: Diabolo advent calendar

Day 13: Up whip to 360 Duicide
So following the Upwhip and 720 Duicide, Here is the combo and I can’t tell you how much fun and impressive it looks.
The hardest thing is to get it on camera because its ground work then into a explosion in the sky with a high duicide.
High because you really need time to get into position and catch the falling diabolo.