Bitcoin is something everyone is talking about right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if my parents asked me about it soon.
It was a while ago when I received some bitcoins from a friend via tipjar. I added the tipjar link on my blog and every once in a while I received a very small amount of bitcoins as tips. The amounts were so small that I didn’t really take note till I needed to move the wallet.
That was when I noticed the amounts were adding up to less decimal places in bitcoin and the value in British sterling was also starting to add up to a few coffees. After the move to blockchain.info (no matter what I thought about the founder), I decided to keep an eye on the figure but forgot about it. Wasn’t till about a week ago, when I decided to have a quick look at the amount it was worth and was pretty shocked.
The tips were adding up to something quite big and thats when I decided maybe I should convert some to sterling and ethereum. I have never put any money into bitcoin, its all been donated or paid to me in return for something, I treated it as a bit of a joke to be honest. But over the last few weeks it became very real as I transferred quite a bit out and still had some left over, just in-case the bitcoin bubble keeps growing. But i’m simply not motivated enough to track its progress and put money into it. Ethereum I’ve found interesting since I first saw the videos about it so I’ll keep an eye on that too.
Thanks to everyone who tipped my blog or paid into my wallet over the last 3 years, I owe a great gratitude to all those people. I’ll keep writing… feel free to keep tipping.