US VOD site Hulu is now talking with British broadcasters about creating a UK version of the service, in the wake of failed Project Kangaroo. NBCU International president Peter Smith told me the NBC/News Corp (NYSE: NWS) venture is “talking with all the partners you’d expect”. Smith said the aim was “local partners with local content – put that rich cocktail of local and US content together”.
Hulu is coming to the UK, and it looks like there will be a fight between iPlayer and Hulu. Kangaroo will be eaten alive if this does happen but so will the weaker players like itvplayer, 4od and 5 on demand. Obviously I don't actually know this for sure but it certainly seems that way. The real question is if Youtube and Bit Torrent will ruin Hulu's plans. And will the likes of Boxee and XBMC unite them in a totally different user controlled experience.