Yep the first geekdinner of this year is with the wildly influential Web designer Dave Shea.
Dave Shea is the cultivator of css Zen Garden.com, a long running member of the web standards project, and runs the very successful Bright Creative. A graphic designer by trade, he writes about all things web for his daily weblog, mezzoblue.com
For more information about Dave check out his information page.
The details you need for this geek dinner is has follows…
When: Monday 23rd January 2006
Where: The Crown and Anchor, Covent Garden – 22, Neal St, London, WC2H 9PS
Nearest Underground: Covert Garden Tube
Time: 19:00 – 23:00
Special Guest: Dave Shea
Cost: £6 for buffet food [payable on the door]
Regulars geeks will noticed the change of venue from the Hogs Head to the Crown and Anchor. I've also had to up the price because the food is going to be better and the venue much quieter and more intimate. I've already posted the event to Eventful and in turn Upcoming now they have that interop working (time is not quite right however, its my own mistake). Expect a posting on the official Geekdinner.co.uk site really soon There is post on geekdinner.co.uk. And dont forget to check out my pledges for newyears and a geekcamp.