Miles sent me the link to the O'reilly Radar which I have never seen before. Anyhow the Tim Oreilly talks about the xtech conference which I'm also involved in and how open data is a wee bit more experimental than the other tracks. The BBC and RSS is mentioned which is good for myself, Kevin and Joel.
If you are going to Xtech 2005, please let me know. I'm really hoping to soak as much in as humanly possible. Edd's been doing some interesting things already in the name of Open data. On Saturday he turned the Xtech 2005 schedule into xml and asked people to remix it. The file can be found here as a grid.xml. However Dan Connolly was quick on the take and converted the raw xml into a ical which can be pulled into a modern calendar application. So cool, and all the XSL's are available for anyone to pull apart and learn more. I love remix culture.