The black movie rules

A while Girlwithaonetrackmind, posted a tweet about tron legacy and after following the tweet, I found out about the Bechdel test

The Bechdel Test, sometimes called the Mo Movie Measure or Bechdel Rule is a simple test which names the following three criteria: (1) it has to have at least two women in it, who (2) who talk to each other, about (3) something besides a man. The test was popularized by Alison Bechdel’s comic Dykes to Watch Out For, in a 1985 strip called The Rule. For a nice video introduction to the subject please check out The Bechdel Test for Women in Movies on

Since I’ve been wondering if there was a way to do a similar thing for Black people in films? We usually get stereotyped and frankly typecasted in certain films, so would it work? I certainly think so…

So here’s my start…

  1. The film has to have at least 2 black people in it, who…
  2. Talk to each other calmly and not threatening, about…
  3. Anything except Drugs, Guns, Hiphop or Cash.

Sounds simple but trust me, now you’ve seen these rules… you will be surprised how many films fail on even point number one.

  • Tron Legacy – Fails on all points
  • The Social Network – Fails on all points
  • Inception – Fails on all points
  • Scott Pilgrim vs the World – Fails on all points
  • Unstoppable – Passes on all points
  • The Matrix series – Passes on all points
  • I am Legend – Passes on all points
  • Enemy of the state – Fails on all points

I can certainly think of a load more… Can you?