Its been a long time since I was last on BBC Merseyside. has flown by, but I’ve done a lot in that time. Ngunan has asked a few times if I would come back on the show, and with Valentines day coming up, I agreed.
Theres a lot of history between us, especially when it comes to who pays on the first date. All we needed was Jody to complete the trip down memory lane.
In the middle I did give my 4 things for Valentines day from a singleton to the other million singletons in the UK.
- Get busy and don’t dwell on previous relationships
- Reconnect with old friends
- Get out of you’re comfort zone
- Do something constructive
Things took a interesting turn as we started to unpick why… I won’t spoil it but I’ll be back to talk more about the disappointment of masculinity, something I picked up from Trainspotting T2 a few weeks earlier.
Trainspotting director Danny Boyle has revealed that its long-awaited sequel is going to be about “manhood and disappointed masculinity.”
I have clipped the audio without the music on archive.org but you can hear it in full on BBC iplayer.