Getty pictures go non-commercial but there is a downside

Although I welcome Getty opening up there picture archive for us bloggers to use. However there are concerns or downsides…

  • This isn’t creative commons licensed, Attribution-Noncommercial NoDerivitives would have been good enough but Getty wanted to add additional conditions.
  • All the images are available via an IFRAME tag. And I thought Flickr’s embed was bad!
  • Reading the terms of conditions… They reserve the right to do what they like within that IFrame including as you imagine, advertising…

Be-careful out there people…

Following on… Juliapowles on Twitter mentioned this to me. As Dr. Adam D. Kline says later, the first comment says it all. And it really does sum it all up…

As someone who has grown old and weary fighting Getty’s ‘licence first and clear the rights later, if at all’ business model on behalf of impecunious photographers it is difficult to view this development with unalloyed enthusiasm

Terms and Cons


Not written about TOS DR or Terms of Service Didn’t read.

I have read and agree to the Terms” is the biggest lie on the web.  We aim to fix that.

ToS;DR aims at creating a transparent and peer-reviewed process to rate and analyse Terms of Service and Privacy Policies in order to create a rating from Class A to Class E.

A long time ago while the Data Portability group was in full swing, we talked about doing something very much like TOS DR but the issues of trying to get a unified system across all End User Licence Agreements (EULA’s) seemed like a total nightmare. The suggestion was to use a traffic light system to alert people of the bogus stuff ahead of time. This also meant it wouldn’t replace the EULA, it would just highlight some of the questionable stuff.

In the end it was far enough off the main focus of the group to make it a that would be nice rather than essential. Its a shame but it was the right decision for the time.

Hope the TOSDR guys get as popular as Creative Commons and team up with the likes of the plain english campaign.

To be honest if I had more time and wasn’t already doing lots of other stuff, I might be tempted to join in and help where I can.