The last one of the three special edition podcasts was released just recently. I blogged about them a while ago, but now they are all available for your listening pleasure.
- Tech for Good Live: (Black Lives Matter Special) – Cancelling Cultures (transcript and more info)
- Tech for Good Live: (Black Lives Matter Special) – Canaries in the coal mine (transcript and more info as its ever so topical at the moment)
- Tech for Good Live: (Black Lives Matter Special) – Time For Change (transcript and more info)
I want to thank all my guests who joined me on the podcast, as a lot of people agreed in principle but never stepped up and joined me. Annette, Ade, Vimla, Erinma and Naomi, you were all wonderful and a breath of fresh air.
Massive thanks to Ethar & David (pretty much my co-hosts) for joining me on every single podcast!
As every podcast ends, if you have anything to say about what was said, let techforgood know on twitter or email. Thanks to podcast.co for hosting the shows and finally a huge thanks to the tech for good live team.

Remember Black lives still matter and I’d recommend listening to the others who also took up the offer.