Starting the day in the ideal way new feature

I use google tasks quite a lot for many things but I’ve found Google a little crappy in support for a useful feature. The Google Task API is good and pretty universal (means even ubuntu will be supported, shame getting things gnome doesn’t), but the apps are not great.

So I started looking at applications which innovate on top of the Google task API. stuck out by a long way. Its a very slick and I like the Android ice cream sandwich halo style. The only problem was the google tasks sync wasn’t too hot and I ended up with lots of duplicates across my google tasks list.

I stopped using it for a while but didn’t un-install it.

So I was surprised when it was in the status area. now has a feature ( moment) which forces you to look at your list of tasks for the week. It sounds like a pain but honestly its actually really good.

Generally I use Google Now then I have run through my tasks. Now if only I could get Google Task syncing working reliably! I would pay money for this!

Any.DO Moment from Any.DO on Vimeo.

Getting things done with Gnome!

Example of GTG

Why on earth have I never heard about Getting things Gnome?

I’ve been using Wunderlist because it ran on most platforms (more on this soon) and at the time Google Tasks client support was a mess (specially on Linux). Although I always knew it was always the wrong way to go about things, I went with it because I needed to Get things done (pun meant).

Anyway I’ve almost dropped Wunderlist because frankly it was exactly the same application across all platforms which meant it was heavy as hell on certain things (65meg! for a bloody task list?) and what drove me nuts was the fact it couldn’t be installed on 64bit Ubuntu without some serious messing. The only reason I started using it was because it was in the Ubuntu software centre, but after Ubuntu 11.04 it was removed.

Now I’m using Getting Things Gnome on my laptops and syncing to Remember the Milk. I’m also forced to use RTM type applications on my Android in the meanwhile. RTM is the weak link in the chain (it also does some weird things to nested tasks)  and I’m now investigating syncing with Google Tasks and the good old TomboyNotes sync with Ubuntu one again. Ideally I would use GTG on my laptops Tomboynotes to sync and something like Tasko on my Android devices.

Interesting to also see the integration with project hamster, actually thats how I first heard about it… Although its good to hear from Rescuetime they are working on there own linux uploader.