We live in incredible times with such possibilities that is clear. Although its easily dismissed by looking at the sorry state of the UK during our EU withdrawal or the tech press panic over the corona-virus.
To quote Buckminster Fuller “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
You are seeing aspects of this happening with the rise in unions and labor rights in the gig economy.
Google users in UK dropped into GDPR limbo
Ian thinks: I always thought this was going to happen, once out of the EU our data privacy laws won’t be respected by the GAFFA’s and why would they?
Signaling to the masses, leave whatsapp
Ian thinks: Signal as a behemoth is concerning but its clearly made the best use of open source licenses to keep itself in check. Love the new systems which are being built on the protocol, real opportunity for something very new.
A future without public service media?
Ian thinks: All public service is under treat and hearing the words of the CEO of the CBC, really sends the message loud and clear
Governments who lockout their Public service broadcasters
Ian thinks: Following the previous link, a look at the sorry state of American’s public service broadcasting. The up lift of donations is good but for how long, how sustainable is public donations?
Making the digital economy working for the 99%
Ian thinks: 3 words – Transparency, auditing, diversity.
Spotify’s plans to take over podcasting?
Ian thinks: The comparisons are spot on and its clear podcasting is going through a massive change right now. Spotify’s play to commodify and dominate is hard to break unless there is experiences they can not own.
Centralising podcasting with trapping techniques
Ian thinks: The writer makes a good point about Spotify taking decentralised open media and locking inside a closed proprietary system. Lessons to be learned for future services we use.
The utopian vision of Airbnb vs the harsh reality
Ian thinks: I like Airbnb, I’m even a host but its clear there isn’t just a problem but its fundamentally broken and actively exploited by too many.
Could containers for web browsing benefit you too?
Ian thinks: Been using Firefox containers for the last 6-8 months and find them incredibly useful. The user experience is a mess and provides an opportunity for design disruption.