Something I have been talking about a long time ago, is what Perceptive media could bring to the in-car experience. Also MBUX sound drive is something which could easily be done with the open sourced Adaptive podcast app if you write a connection to the car sensor…
Tag: CES
This is the TV, which fits my flat
In my last post about buying a projector, I thought long and hard about getting a bigger TV as mine is 40inches and quite old as the first generation Smart TV. I use it mainly as a monitor really with Kodi and a Chromecast driving most of my media viewing. I already unplugged it from my network and don’t use any of the smart apps.
But I love my view across Manchester, and can’t really think about putting a big TV in front of it. The projector screen is a nice compromise.

Then today from CES, came the perfect TV for me, however I have no plans to buy it, what ever price tag it has on it. Also I don’t fancy being the early adopter on this one, I’ll wait for the 3rd generation and massive price drop.
CES 2013: Internet of Everything
CES this year seemed to be a fascinating one… mainly because the internet of things really broke through this year.
No longer just an expression used when people are talking about items they don’t understand, oh no were talking serious business at long last.
However there was also the ugly… Summed up by Qualcomm’s keynote, covered by the verge and many others…
A night of cringeworthy conversations, product demos, and music
But back to the good… This was certainly the year ioT went big and forbes have a nice summary,
Other than Ulta HDTVs, running $20,000 and up, there was no particularly brand new technology announcement that screamed “I am the future” but the sum of the parts screamed “Wow… this Internet thing has opened the door for a generation of products that no one could have imagined.”
The Palm Pre

So Palm unveiled the saver of the company, the Palm Pre. I have to say I quite like the pebble look of it, seems it would be nice to hold for long periods (something I got to say the ipod touch isn't good at). Its also got all the tech you need inside such as Wifi, Bluetooth 2.0, GPS, some sort of 3g (Comes with EVDO, but 3G/HSDPA is planned for Europe in the future). The screen is a little disappointing after looking at the specs of the HTC Touch HD (3.1-inch 320 x 480 instead of the HTC's 3.8-inch 480 X 800 screen). The Operating system seems to be jazzed up to be something between the Android and iphone UI, so pretty with tons of transparency, etc but real multitasking like Windows mobile and Android.
One thing which wonders me is how close in design the Palm Pre is to the HTC Touch Dual.
CES covered to death, thankfully its over now
Can I just say CES was so covered, that I actually disabled a few of my RSS subscriptions for a while. Rocketboom did such a great job showing exactly how intense things were. While the coverage by Engadget went so far off the deepend that I had to disable the feed for a while.
Now we just got to see what Steve Jobs reveals at Mac World today. I'm sure to do a little live blogging if possible.