Sell the sizzle not the steak

I attended a networking workshop at the BBC the other day. I was wondering how it was going to go, because sometimes the workshops at work can be hit and miss. The trainer for the workshop was down to earth Darren Jenkins from digienable. Darren was good and his advice was welcomed. Now I know…

Radio Merseyside: the height debate

I’m on BBC Merseyside radio again with Jody and Ngunan tonight (Sunday 17th November). This time its the height debate… To be very clear this is the debate. How many women would go out with someone shorter than themselves? How many men would go out with someone taller than themselves? Why in 2013 is this…

Will it be fluff or be actually interesting? Dating on BBC Radio

The BBC hasn’t got the best track record of covering issues like dating… Who could forget (I certainly won’t) the terrible year of making love? But to be fair they did good job covering the problems with online dating in Panaroma recently. However compare it to Channel4’s recent mating/dating. 2 run away hits… Dates and…

Before entering the dragons den… Radio debate

I sent a email to my friends about my debate on the radio tonight… Just in-case you didn’t know, I’m due today to debate the topic of “who pays on the first date” with my good internet friend Northern Lass 32 ( I assume most of you know my feelings about this but I guess…

Single Black Male, we need new writers!

I just saw is looking for new writers… We Need New Writers! Do You Want to Be One of Them? My instant thought is yes I would love to be one… SBM for me is sometimes a little sanity in the mix of love and dating. Some posts are bang on and I’m…

Stop dating those types of woman, simple?

I saw this on single black male the other day, and honestly laughed to myself then tweeted it out, kind of knowing the outrage it might cause… Let’s crunch some  numbers. According to the most recent Census data, the median paycheck for Americans is $26,364, which means half of Americans made more and half made less.…