The guardian recently had a piece about Chocolate (anything to take our minds off the political climate right now and Chocolate is a good one)
I won’t go through the whole list but I originally laughed out loud when I read this…
Anyway, it appears that we haven’t yet covered chocolate. And a good thing too, because it turns out we’ve been eating it wrong the whole time.
Have we? We have, if you believe the food scientist Natalie Alibrandi, who has been analysing the results of a new 2,000-person study of the nation’s chocolate habits, commissioned by Galaxy.
Commissioned by Galaxy, because they are well known for their high quality/sustainable chocolate? Anyway its all the usual stuff but I found one part quite telling.
When do you usually eat it – at night?
No, usually about 11am. Right, OK, again that’s supposedly the correct time to eat it. Chocolate contains sugar and caffeine, which, according to Alibrandi, helps to give you the perfect pre-lunch boost. Also, your palate is fresher earlier in the day, so you’ll get the full hit of chocolate as it was intended to be eaten.
I’m not so convinced about this one, but I guess if you are eating milky/sugar filled Galaxy then it makes sense?
Nothing better than some 85% with some black smokey tea at night.