Moving from Goodreads to Bookwyrm


I have expressed my annoyance of Goodreads along with so many others. When I read this piece about Bookwyrm, I pretty much moved instantly.

Good to see Data-portability working as it should. About 2mins to export my reading lists and books out of Goodreads and then about 3mins to pick an instance of Bookwyrm and setup an account, then about 5mins to import the books and lists.

Great stuff!

The Matrix Resurrections official trailer released

Its here and it looks incredible. If you want the inside track, this one covers every bit after the trailer.

I also quite liked the Perceptive Media piece of the teaser-teaser trailer. Good use of  time (something which requires no permissions and quite easy to so things with). Its also worth noting it wasn’t just the time but also shots based on when you choose to watch the red pill and blue pill teaser-teasers trailers.

Can’t wait to see it but might have to wait to watch it on the cinema screen because my parents internet isn’t going to cut it over the festive holidays.