I loved ghost in the shell, its one of those films I just loved when I was young. Even watching it 20+ years later and seeing the little adjustments like ghost in the shell 2.0; I was still a massive fan. So when the film was announced, I was kinda of excited.
However I just got back from the Odeon IMAX in Manchester after watching it at 1min past midnight with about 20 other people. Obviously people were less keen to be first to watch it as someone like me (I just love watching films late at night to be fair)
#GhostInTheShell got a 6/10 for me.
It's a slightly different story rather than a remake.
Good but don't watch in 3D https://t.co/xMA46gpN6K— Ian Forrester (@cubicgarden) March 30, 2017
I gave it 6/10 because it is a good movie but the legacy of ghost in the shell just drags on it, and I can’t help but look at certain scenes and just shake head slightly. For example the famous scene with the garbage collectors is shorten down to something different and it doesn’t have the uniqueness of the original. I also felt although longer, it brushed through key scenes which I assume wouldn’t have worked in hollywood.
@cubicgarden i think you were pretty brave. I'm really not tempted to have my past violated
— David E (@Eastmad) March 30, 2017
I don’t feel like they did a bad job but I was surprised how different it was from the original.
Generally if you haven’t seen Ghost in the Shell, and an action/sci-fi fan you will like it. It won’t score highly but its robust enough. If you seen the original, you will feel slightly cheated and if you seen the whole lot including stand alone complex and innocence, you may be more upset.
It looks stunning and they did a good job to show a future Tokyo with crazy structures and advertising, but its not quite enough. All the actors are good in the film but the plot feels too simple and lacks the detail and significaions of the original.
I watched it in the IMAX although it’s not made for IMAX. If I was to watch it again, a regular large screen would be fine and watch it without 3D because it’s ignoying after a while. Once again good movie by its self but compared to the originals its poor.
I wonder whats install for the matrix series and I don’t think anyone would be daring enough to redo Akira, would they?
I thought it looked awful from the trailer and I saw a 15 min preview before Free Fire the other day which laid it to rest for me. Reading this I’m really not going to bother. Free Fire was awful.. walked out it was so bad! Need another surprise like LaLaLand or dead cert like Beauty & The Beast or I’m cancelling my Odeon membership!