Two things: how women should behave and #London #SmutSlam: https://t.co/BJaQ81zyiG
— Girl on the Net (@girlonthenet) January 9, 2017
It was through Girl on the net’s blog that I first heard about #Smutslam.
I checked it out and thought it was a great idea, especially since I’ve wanted to go to a Moth live and more #nsfw Risk live events. Both are fancinating insight into the richness of life and human connections.
… the idea is that people put their names down to tell one short (less than 5 minute) story from their sexual past, and then eight to ten names are drawn at random. If you’re picked, you go up on stage to tell your story, and then there are prizes and fun and all the good stuff. You don’t have to tell a story, though – if you’re shy you can just sit in the audience and enjoy listening to other people’s.
I checked out the London one and wrote a task to consider running one in Manchester, as I think its a great idea and theres plenty of interesting stories I’ve heard from others. But when looking into it over brunch in Ezra & Gil, I saw there is a Manchester one already setup.
In actual fact, Cameryn Moore, the “award-winning playwright/performer, sex activist and educator, and former phone sex operator.” is relocating from Montreal to Manchester, so I look forward to more of this. Certainly makes GeeksTalkSexy and Relationships 2.0 seem like a PG-13 movie.
Heard about Smut Slam via @girlonthenet, thought would be great in #Manchester, then found it's happening 31st janhttps://t.co/3A20MwIAqB
— Ian Forrester (@cubicgarden) January 22, 2017
I’m certainly going to check one out, I won’t be putting anything in the pot but listening and enjoying the evening.
Anyone want to join me?
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