The Aibo went the way of the Nabaztag…
When Rob told me about Sony shutting down the last one of its service centre for Aibo robotic dogs, I instantly thought about the consequences of a locked down iot device. This is going to be bad…
Back in 1999, Sony released a robotic dog called Aibo, a canine companion that didn’t crap everywhere and only ate electricity. It sold pretty well — 150,000 units, despite the $2,000 price tag. Some owners became remarkably attached, which makes it even more sad that Sony has stopped repairing Aibo. Slowly but surely, they’re all dying.
It was bad in my mind but then I watched the NYtimes video and remembered how the Japanese think of most things having a soul/spirit of some kind.
The New York Times has recorded the plight of current-day Aibo owners in a completely heartbreaking video. They interviewed a series of owners, whose Aibos are a central part of their lives, but are slowly having to come to the fact that their dogs have a life expectancy.
What you are left with is something which is kind of heart breaking to watch. Seriously, especially having experience the culture first hand, I can just imagine. I liked my Aibo but nothing like the Japanese love theirs.
Still remember the first time I saw a Aibo in real life. It was at the ICA in London and some guy kicked it off the stage to the outrage of half the audience. Just to make a point about humans attaching human emotion to artificial objects or robots. Fascinating in the face of UK remake of Humans on Channel4.
What happens when your dog is no longer serviceable? (aibos of course)… http://t.co/RYnzcZhG52 http://t.co/7GLoAtqee8
RT @cubicgarden: What happens when your dog is no longer serviceable? (aibos of course)… http://t.co/RYnzcZhG52 http://t.co/7GLoAtqee8
@czmj2 heh @cubicgarden draws the line between IRL & “humans”: What happens when your dog is no longer serviceable? http://t.co/fJrDjpeHuo