Orange extend Orange Wednesday

Pizza at Pizzaexpress

Wonder what the thinking behind this? I got this on a text today in a text

241: Hi, this week only with Orange Wednesdays enjoy 2 for 1 at PizzaExpress Sun 24-Wed 27 Feb using the same text ticket for 4 days. Terms

Maybe Pizza Express is making a killing having Orange customers on Wednesdays, so they thought about extending it to other quiet nights? Interesting the cinema offer isn’t also in effect?

Might be useful at some point even though there is no Salford Cinema Club this week.

Every decision is made with Caffeine

Caffeine under a microscope

Simon said something to me as I left his flat the other day…

Almost every major decision in history is made under the influence of Caffeine

Its a interesting drug caffeine. Some can’t live without it and some have different levels of allergic reaction to it, as I found out the other day. No I’m not allergic but since my brush with death I’ve keeping an eye on my caffeine intake. Mainly no Coffee at home or work.

I remember seeing caffeine under a high powered microscope ages ago when looking at different drugs under a microscope. But recently I saw the above picture from DIYcouture. Its a pretty amazing drug and you can see the reaction in the shape of the drug.