After the pledge for the dark knight rises failing.
The tickets went on general sale almost the following week. Of course some of my friends were lucky to get tickets for the 8:30pm showing of the dark knight rises in the Manchester Odeon IMAX (1 of 4 real IMAX’s in the UK…) and they disappeared within a few hours. I missed it and only got options for 4:20pm and 11:30pm also in the IMAX.
However I later discovered when watching Prometheus (more on this very soon) that there will be a 5am (yes 5am not 5pm) showing to match the midnight showing on the east coast of America.
I had planned to take the day off to see it, but with the 5am showing, I can get up early watch this amazing film (which I think will blow Prometheus and the Avengers away) then go to work afterwards. Of course I will be rubbing it in my friends faces 🙂
So 5am on 20th July if I look a little tired you now know why…