![Inception cover](https://i0.wp.com/hwcdn.themoviedb.org/posters/089/4c4e8e8c7b9aa1326c000089/inception-cover.jpg?w=840)
Inception has been the most pirated movie on Bittorrent for the last month now. 4, 3, 2, 1 week(s) ago. And its had some very strong challengers from Scott Pilgrim, The social network and Wall street: Money never sleeps.
I did notice that when the HD version of Inception did hit the scene, the pirate bay was overloaded for a good few hours.
I’m sure the chief’s hollywood are cursing the scene for being so well organized and getting a hd rip out before they could get the retail DVD out. I’ve personally had my Inception Blu-ray/DVD/itunes (Triple Play) on pre-order for about 2 months now. I’m sure when Amazon do send it out, it will sit on my DVD rack with great prominence (my first blu-ray). Now I need to get myself a inception movie poster because they are great.
Also great to see Inception is still in position 4 of IMDB’s top 250 of all time right behind Godfather part 2.