So I have played with Boxee a lot more since last time. I've also sent out a ton of invites so I'm not sure if I can really give out any more, as I think there is some kind of limit. Anyway, I've been struggling to explain to people why I think boxee is very cool, till it hit me half hour ago. Boxee is what (imho) tapeitofftheinternet (tioti) could/should have been. Tioti has been missing a player/scrobbling application for ages, you have to tick shows off in the website its self which isn't ideal. Well with Boxee now, its possible to scrobble your media viewing/listening. And of course Boxee pulls in your friends data into its interesting interface, completing the circle.
I've created 2 little videos (uploading now) for your viewing pleasure, one is earlier when I'm setting up boxee and the other is me flicking through some of the social and scrobbling features. There's also a few pictures I've taken on flickr.