Manchester is running Afrofutures next weekend…
Afro Futures UK, a collective of researchers, artists, programmers and activists exploring new ways of examining blackness and futurism. We are hosting an FREE all day Afrofuturist Conference and Exhibition on 10th October 2015 at MADLAB with a special rosta of speakers and workshops from the USA, Europe Africa and the UK.
Join @AfroFutures_UK in Manchester next weekend… http://t.co/EQmSvvgAnR http://t.co/jieumWl5E3
RT @cubicgarden: Join @AfroFutures_UK in Manchester next weekend… http://t.co/EQmSvvgAnR http://t.co/jieumWl5E3
RT @cubicgarden: Join @AfroFutures_UK in Manchester next weekend… http://t.co/EQmSvvgAnR http://t.co/jieumWl5E3
RT @cubicgarden: Join @AfroFutures_UK in Manchester next weekend… http://t.co/EQmSvvgAnR http://t.co/jieumWl5E3