I’m sat in Manchester terminal 3 airport using the free wifi (for one hour with a sign up to some bothersome news letter) anyway I’m on my way to the Quantified Self Europe Conference in Amsterdam for the 2nd year (reasons why you should be coming too). I gather the popularity of the conference and area has obviously started to rise with a sharp 50% increase in the ticket price. Fair dues but further proves its getting popular and breaking into the mainstream.
But I wanted to reflect on aspects I’ve touched on many times in my blog. The unquantifiable.
Its one of those lunch time chats in R&D. This time I was talking to Matt Brooks and Jasmine about the Quantified Self and some of the smart data wearemoment.us were able to understand from patterns of usage. Matt stopped me and said how much he hated recommendation systems.
“I want a system which doesn’t give you what you want or even the opposite… ”
The perfect example being spotify… Before long we were talking l about something which is dear to me and my blogging.
The unquantifiable! Or as Matt likes to call it the “unquantifiable self” credit to Matt for that one.
There seems to be somethings which are simply unquantifiable. Two come to mind instantly. Dj mixing and Chemistry when dating. Everything can be right on paper but when meeting that person in real life or hearing that mix, something just isn’t right. Not only that it can be a total rejection of something you should in the data, adore?
Although I love the quantified self: knowledge through numbers. I feel like I appreciate the unquantifiable even more now. I know there is those who believe we just need more data or more computational power (they may even be right) but in the meanwhile lets have fun with the unquantifiable self.
See you at the quantified self europe. By the way I’ll be talking on Sunday afternoon about my media consumption and maybe a tiny bit about how this relates to perceptive media.
We should welcome the unquantifiable self too? http://t.co/ItwV7mEMi6 @qseu14 @brooksoid @wearesorryfor
RT @cubicgarden: We should welcome the unquantifiable self too? http://t.co/ItwV7mEMi6 @qseu14 @brooksoid @wearesorryfor