At long last SVG has got an identity which it can be proud of. This was winner in the SVG logo contest. Although I have to say some of the others I did also like.
Basic Components Of Logo Design
My logo in its basic form represents 8 nodes connected by 4 lines rotated about a central point. This is a simple representation of key elements used in all vector graphics.
Dimensional Scalability
The motif remains strong and distinct at any size down to 17px square.
Colour Information Scalability
The motif keeps its integrity as its colour range is reduced. This is primarily down to the tonal strength of the motif. I designed all the buttons first in greyscale and then introduced colour only once the compositions were dynamic yet clear. The black and white T-shirt is a good example of the strength of the motif even when reduced to two colours. The addition of a colour can be used to associate the logo with a particular version or profile.
Conceptual Scalability
The motif in all its variations can be seen as a conceptual representation of scalability as it can be augmented indefinitely through a simple logic derived from its own parts. Two of the eight nodes on a motif can be geometrically interlocked with two nodes from another motif allowing motifs to be increased in complexity to suit different applications. In all its different forms it retains its essential character and is clearly recognisable as the SVG logo.
The other noticeable designs include, Chris Heath who got to 4th place with a very simple design which I thought was very adaptable design. Santy was beautiful but yes very complex for a logo.