Just come back from another #SMC_MCR (Social Media Cafe) and SomeoneOnceToldMe was talked about.
Of course I added my own which I’ll talk about once it goes up. However Mario highlighted the picture above as a example.
Now for me this is Tom Loosemore’s famous phrase. So famous, I don’t actually know where it originally comes from till now…
I’m now aware thanks to Paul Downey its credited to Grace Hopper…
What’s more she achieved all of this in a world of institutional discrimination against women and whilst working inside an authoritarian bureaucracy, which is probably why she is often attributed with the quote: “It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to seek permission“. The breadth of her accomplishments led to her earning the nickname “Amazing Grace”
Tom said “I have stopped using that phrase! See http://vimeo.com/58798945”
Shame because it still rings true… No matter what Tom says now, he’s influence is clear to see. And with that in mind, I rip the picture from the example for my blog. Sure Mario will understand…