Remember that party I mentioned a while ago? Well the sign up page just went live about 2 hours ago and there's already 150+ people signed up. There's only room for about 400 people. So I highly suggest you sign up now.
Ok what an amazing 6 hours it has been. 225 signups in a quater of a day. Seriously, if your interested in attending the Christmas Bash, sign up tonight or you may lose out. Our next step is to hit Eventful.com and of course Upcoming.org. So we're expecting quite a spike. Not many people are blogging the signup yet, but I'm sure that will change.
Ok now its midnight on Saturday morning (roughly 12hours since the form went live) and I've counted about 320+ signups. So signup quickly or loose out later…
And after 35 hours, were full to the brim with signups. I have started a waiting list for new signups.