Talking about Limitless from the previous blog, I found Limitless season 1 ep 13 interesting in relation to Inception.
Spoiler alert…!
If you have not seen this episode and interested in watching it, spoiler free. Do not read anymore…
You have been warned…
In limitless s1ep13: Stop Me Before I Hug Again
Brian embarks on his first FBI field assignment when he travels to Quantico to lend his skills to the bureau unit that catches serial killers. However, the trip takes a negative turn when Brian realizes the man he’s working with may have put away an innocent person in the career-making case that made him a renowned profiler. Also, Brian tries to stay one step ahead of Rebecca as she comes closer to discovering Senator Morra’s connection to NZT.
At the end he finds out people are being engineered into commiting murder by optogenetics. At some point I’m sure Brian even suggests this sounds like Inception.
Optogenetics — a radical new technology for controlling brain activity with light. Not as new you may think, by the way.
Its very interesting to think about and conjures up many visions and thoughts including the end of mind alternating drugs? However…
What works in mice and monkeys may not work in humans. There are also open questions regarding immune reactions, how deeply light spreads through brain tissue, and how well opsins will work over time. Optogenetics-derived therapies are far off, and will have to not only face the hurdle of FDA approval, but also prove superior to current treatments like deep brain stimulation.
Wait till the black market gets a hold of this… (this is sounds much closer to inception)