We live in incredible times with such possibilities that is clear. Although its easily dismissed by celebrity culture on lockdown or looking at the sorry state of instagram during lockdown.
To quote Buckminster Fuller “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
You are seeing aspects of this happening in litmus test of thoughts from 45 non-journalist students from 17 nationalities students about the post-covid19 mediascape.
China’s plans to fundamentally change the internet stack from the bottom
Ian thinks: China’s attempt to change IP by going to the ITU is substantial and quite terrifying even in the face of the misinformation warfare. For anyone creating devices/services/apps for the Chinese market, its a real wake up call.
The secret market for your web browsing data
Ian thinks: These secret markets/ecosystem for personal data has been revealed over and over again. But this reveal is based purely on our web browsing data but is no less scary
How much is data worth?
Ian thinks: The discussion about the price of data pops its head up again. Its a difficult question but its worth something to someone.
But I have nothing to hide? Really?
Ian thinks: Really good video summary you can share with friends and family, for those who “have nothing to hide…”
Sorry was that, EST, BST, GMT, CET or just UTC?
Ian thinks: A good balanced look at what would happen if we all switched to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time. Makes some very good points on both sides. Tom Scott, adds his views from a programming point of view.
Snowdon on the privacy woes of Covid-19
Ian thinks: Vice interviews Edward Snowdon about how the different governments are taking advantage of our fear around Covid-19
Lilian Edwards proposal for Contact tracing
Ian thinks: Lilian is very creditable and while everybody is concerned and focused on contact tracing technology. Shes approached it from the equally important angle of policy.
Abolish Silicon Valley and rethink our future
Ian thinks: I haven’t read Wendy Li’s book yet but she makes some good if a bit over optimistic in points. But shes got the scars to back up every point.
Time to talk seriously about Universal basic income?
Ian thinks: Good to see a view outside the silicon reality distortion valley. Discussions for the post Covid-19 future lean heavily on Universal basic income.
Always been meaning to read The Age of Surveillance Capitalism?
Ian thinks: The dutch broadcaster VPRO kindly posted their documentary with Shoshana Zuboff online for all the people who didn’t make it through the 500+ pages of her book. Not deep enough try the 2hr lecture.