Kevin Rose founder of Digg.com and now technology angel investor. Launched a while ago a new show independent of Revision3. Its called Foundation. The business model behind it, is a little odd.
Foundation is a monthly private email newsletter that features video interviews, product reviews, rants, and early access to pre-launched websites.
How do I get access?
Foundation videos will always be free of charge and available on Revision3.com, iTunes, my blog (kevinrose.com), and tweeted out (@kevinrose / @foundat_ion). That said, for newsletter subscribers ($3.99 per month), you’ll receive the videos without ads a week before everyone else, along w/product reviews, rants, rumors, and early access to pre-launched websites. To signup for the private newsletter visit: http://foundat.io/n
Its a bit like what Jason Calacanis did a while ago with his private newsletter.
Anyway I don’t think I’ll be signing up because I’m not in urgent need to watch the videos or know the advice Kevin has. However I have to say the videos are actually really nicely done. Both Jack Dorsey and Jeff Smith have been on the show so far and although there generally interesting I’m not exactly thrilled.
The reason why I mention Foundation is because at the end of everyone episode, theres something which always makes me pluck up my ears. With Jack Dorsey he talked about companies building systems to analyze there own data, something I’m very interested in for the BBC via Channelography. And Jeff Smith touched on work culture, something I’ll be sending to my boss as he plans the changes for media city uk.