Si Lumb came up with the interesting term yesterday.
@cubicgarden sorry dude, gave my talk today – or "djing with insights" as I like to think of it
— Si Lumb (@si_lumb) September 22, 2015
Presenting strings of ideas/concepts in a non-linear method like a dj?
We had a brief chat about it today and concluded the software was the thing holding back the concept. I did suggest mindmaps but I agree its more like a making music with by live coding.
Interestingly I think the DJing with insights concept will be tested by myself during my online dating talk in November. No laptop, no slides, just me thoughts and a geeky passion for online dating.
It also reminds me of Jason Silva’s shots of awe, which is a kind of existential jazz. Not that un-similar from djing with insights or even mixing with concepts?
Jason Silva every week as he freestyles his way into the complex systems of society, technology and human existence and discusses the truth and beauty of science in a form of existential jazz