Its been forever since I moved from Windows to Linux and the idea of running Windows is quite a scary idea for me now. I made the decision I was never going to use Windows Vista (remember that pile of crap!) and wiped my main computer and installed Ubuntu 6.04.
It felt strange downloading Windows 10 from Microsoft’s site (all 5.4gig of it!) using the serial number which came with the Dell XPS, easily extracted using this terminal command.
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
— Herb Kim (@herbkim) October 18, 2019
There certainly was a disturbance going on, as it installed then attempted to get a ton of updates.
Due to a number of changes coming soon, it seems sensible to virtualise Windows inside of Ubuntu for certain future tasks at work. Of course others think it should be the other way, but of course they are sadly mistaken…
I’m happy to say it works but I could really do with some more memory, as 16gig is tight for my daily usage.