I subscribe to being a geek and not a nerd or a dork. I’ve written about nerd values in the past (which I obviously say is geek values now)
In work I’ve been having this ongoing discussion about not wanting to be rich and famous just making the world a little bit better a place to live. Its easy to be singled minded and follow the money where it leads, but the harder thing is to live in your means and try and make the world a little better.
Some have boiled this down to, Do what you love, love what you do. Which is a nice but feels a little generic?
Do what you Love
Love what you do. pic.twitter.com/aOFStWLPaO— Rich Simmonds (@RichSimmondsZA) August 27, 2017
So rethinking this… I’ve started to add to this by describing the geek chic/lifestyle as…
Always living life, always learning and always on the go.
This seems to fit well no matter your siltation.
- Always living life, can be anything from climbing a mountain, soaking up the atmosphere around you, helping others, what ever; as long as you are living life and pushing yourself, living in the moment and enjoying it.
- Always learning, is a hat tip, full head nod (or heck a dab if your into that) for lifelong learning. Never too old to learn and if you are not learning then what are you doing? That is unless you are educating/helping others, although the act of helping others is a learning experience too.
- Always on the go, doesn’t necessarily mean going physical places. It can mean other types of progress like reaching out to more people with works, getting ahead in your career, etc. Getting mentally ahead and never settling unless you are ready for it.