I just saw SingleBlackMale.org is looking for new writers…
We Need New Writers! Do You Want to Be One of Them?
My instant thought is yes I would love to be one… SBM for me is sometimes a little sanity in the mix of love and dating. Some posts are bang on and I’m almost shouting in the tram to work “YES!” and sometimes I’m shaking my head knowing whats been written is total fluff. One of my friends total me to give it a rest but to be fair its my equivalent of britons got talent.
I know lots of people seems to have a slight problem with it being called single Black male. Why isn’t there a single White male or a single Asian Female? I don’t know why not start one? They are not against diversity as they say… But I have to say single black men do have a unique viewpoint on the world of dating, love and sex. Maybe one which doesn’t get heard too much? I won’t lie when my cousins and urban (if thats the right word) friends get together all hell can break loose. Its fun and somethings which are said are seriously wrong but in the clear light of day things pass under the bridge and are forgotten.
And can I just quickly say how great it would be to have a Black British point of view on things…! Geez, one thing SBM can certainly be accused of is its very American bias. Time to take it international…
I wrote about the Black Barbarshop’s a long while ago and there is something unique about them. Yes I’m sure we can replace black with urban now but seriously spend some time in one and hear the urban black male perspective. Sometimes offensive, sometimes full of sense. But always intriguing and full of questions. And I got to say thats very much me…
Heck I don’t even care about the money, actually that makes it easier for me to write and keep my great job.
So here’s my public pitch…
- Name: Ian Forrester
- Website (Required. No website. No write.) : The one your reading now, cubicgarden.com
- Post Titles:
- Who pays on the first date?
- Your the only single one left
- The worst photos anyone could use in there profile picture
- Speed dating vs Internet dating
- The modern man and feminism
- The rights and wrongs of datasexuality
- … do have to go on?
- Post Summary (What the article is about…preferably in bullet point form)
- The ultimate question on a first date, who pays on the first date?
- Everyone around you is married and has children, what do you do?
- What is the worst photos you can pick to upload for your dating profile, and how to avoid them?
- Which one wins for which people?
- Feminism and sexuality, is it about time we all grew up and got with the modern programme?
- How is it living your love life by the numbers? How far can you go? Does it actually get you anywhere fast?
- … stopping right there
- Time needed to complete full article if accepted : Well with the grammar, spelling, workload and all, maybe a week or two?
- Whether you’re looking to write regularly or just once. Either is fine. : A number of times, maybe like once every 2 months? (heck I get pretty busy)
Although to be fair as Janetedavis says…
Really? You’re sure about that? Haven’t you got enough to do?
Yeah maybe I should focus on The Life and Opinions of a Datasexual Gentleman (working title)… Lets see what SBM says?